/ Portekizce → İngilizce / Eramos
Eramos Çeviri İngilizce
10,776 parallel translation
Sabes por que eramos as melhores amigas?
You know why we're best friends?
Nós dois eramos novos na nave, e ela se encaixava tão bem, mas...
We were both new to the ship, and she fit in so well, but...
Não eramos nós, pai!
- It wasn't us, Dad.
Era este o sitio onde a Malina e eu eramos supostos de nos encontrar.
This is the place that Malina and I are supposed to meet.
O Tio disse que não eramos necessários durante um tempo
Uncle said we weren't needed for a while.
Nós éramos navegantes.
We were voyagers.
- Aquela miudinha, a mãe dela e eu, bem, vamos apenas dizer... Éramos muito próximos.
her mother and I, well, let's just say... we were pretty close.
A minha mãe e eu... Sim, ele amava-nos. Mas é certo que não éramos nós que o mantínhamos equilibrado.
My mother and me, yes, he loved us but evidently it wasn't us who kept him balanced.
Quando começámos aqui, éramos apenas alguns.
When we started here, there was just a few of us.
Nós éramos "pop"?
We were pop?
Quando a minha mãe estava no hospital, e éramos só nós os dois.
When my ma would be in hospital, in a spell, and it was just the two of us.
éramos os seus professores.
Were their teachers.
Éramos as pessoas mais tristes que conhecíamos.
We were the saddest people we knew.
Disseram-nos que éramos os únicos aqui em baixo.
We were told we were the only ones down here.
E tu chegaste, ajoelhaste-te, olhaste para mim e disseste... Que tínhamos de ser valentes... E que a partir de então, éramos só nós os dois.
And you came, and you knelt and you looked at me, and you said... that we needed to be brave... and that from now on, it's just us.
Nós éramos muito pobres... e ela era muito boa.
We were very poor... and she was very good.
Quero dizer nós não éramos páginas em branco...
We... We weren't blank pages, were we?
Quem disse que éramos uma família perfeccionista?
Who says we're a highly-perfectionist family?
Somos a mesma família que éramos quando o Russ aqui estava.
We are the same family we were when Russ was here.
Sim, as pessoas achavam imenso isso, quando éramos mais novas.
Yeah, people thought that a lot when we were younger.
Assim éramos eu e a minha mãe.
This was me... and my mom.
Sabem, eu não tenho família com quem conversar. Por isso, foi muito... Éramos só eu e a minha mulher.
And, uh... you know, I don't really have any family to speak of, and so it was really a... it was really just me and my wife.
Éramos só eu e a minha mulher.
It was just me and my wife.
Éramos uma equipa...
We were a team.
"Éramos uma equipa"!
"We were a team!"
Éramos terríveis e agora só somos ligeiramente terríveis.
We're terrible, and now we're only fractionally terrible. That's a huge leap.
E eu a pensar que éramos duas velhas amigas a beber uns copos.
Here I thought we were just two old friends having a drink.
Éramos nós os quatro a passear numa carrinha.
It used to be the four of us riding around in a van.
Éramos muito porreiros para o nosso distrito escolar.
We were very cool for our school district.
Nós éramos amigos.
We used to be... friends.
Antes de eu conhecer o teu pai, éramos só tu e eu.
Before I met your father, it was just you and me.
Um ano depois, nós éramos.
A year later, we were.
Éramos apenas eu, o peixe e o mar
♪ Was just me ♪ ♪ The fish and the sea ♪
Eu e o Rashad Evans éramos parceiros de treino.
Me and Rashad Evans, we were training partners.
Éramos muito pobres. E foi muito difícil.
And it was just, it was hard.
Um político disse que nós éramos uma luta de galos com seres humanos.
One independently was a politician who said we were human cockfighting.
Éramos chegados quando eu era miúda, mas eu fugi, quando saí do armário.
We were close when I was younger, but... I ran away after I came out.
Adiante, quando a cabra da chaminé da receção percebeu que éramos dois homens, mudou a reserva de uma cama de casal para duas de solteiro, que custa mais 50 dólares.
Ha. Anyway, but when that cigarette-smoking lunch lady bitch behind the counter realized we were two dudes, she changed the reservation from one queen to two double beds, which was $ 50 more.
Quando éramos cheias de sonhos, sobre uma nova vida cheias de felicidade.
"Filled with dreams of a new life " filled with happiness
- Não éramos exclusivos.
- We weren't exclusive.
Eu estava num grupo com o Ethan e o New Michael, e o Noah era um dos orientadores. Nessa altura, tínhamos um sentido de humor muito desenvolvido e éramos objetivamente engraçados.
- I was in a group with Ethan and New Michael, and Noah was one of our counselors, and by that point, we had pretty developed senses of humor and like we were actually sort of objectively funny.
Lembram-se quando fizemos o último vídeo do K-Strass e é ele sozinho pela primeira vez e éramos nós no palco com ele e ele estava a fazer as falas que escrevemos para ele?
- Remember when we made the last video K-Strass made, and it's him alone for the first time, and it was us on stage with him, and he was doing the lines we wrote for him?
O pai dela é um homem muito poderoso, eu e ele éramos amigos.
Her father is a very influential man, he and I were friends.
Éramos sereias ou bailarinas do ventre.
- We're either mermaids or belly dancers.
Dizia que éramos os seus passarinhos.
He called us his little birds.
Foste tu que disseste que éramos os pretos de Allentown.
You were the one who said we were the Allentown niggas.
Eram-nos mostradas imagens de abundância e éramos encorajados a querer sempre mais.
'In the early 1960s,'the entire world still seemed to flow through the London docks.
Nós éramos lixo.
We were trash.
Juntos, éramos audazes.
Together... we were bold.
Pensava que éramos amigos.
I thought we were friends.
Nós éramos colegas.
We were teammates.