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Florian Çeviri İngilizce

73 parallel translation
É melhor ir falar com Sr. Florian.
I better go and see Mr. Florian.
Sr. Florian deu-nos autorização para mais visitas de estudo.
Mr. Florian has given us permission for more outings.
Eu falo com Sr. Florian.
I ´ ll speak with Mr. Florian.
Olhe Florian, também vive aqui.
Look at Florian, he lives here too.
Feraud, Gabriel Florian.
Feraud, Gabriel Florian.
Todas as manhãs, depois do pequeno-almoço, Sebastian, Cara e eu saíamos do palácio pela porta da rua, e vagueávamos por um labirinto de pontes, praças e becos, para ir ao Florian, tomar café,
Every morning after breakfast, Sebastian, Cara and I would leave the palace by the street door and wander through a maze of bridges and squares and alleys to Florien's for coffee.
Florian. And yours?
É melhor que ele não tenha acordado o Florian e a Ondine.
He better not have woken Florian and Ondine.
Dá um grande beijo ao Florian e à Ondine de um antepassado.
Give Florian and Ondine a big kiss from an old ancestor.
Eu vi-o na piazza... 682 01 : 20 : 02,759 - - 01 : 20 : 04,835 no Florian, da janela.
I saw him in the piazza... at Florian's, through the window.
Florian Barrios era cantor de tango. Trabalhara no rádio e TV...
Florián Barrios was a tango singer, performed on radio and TV shows...
Florian precisava contratar uma equipe de confiança. Um grupo de profissionais que cuidasse da operação.
Florián needed to hire men that could be trusted... a group of professionals to take charge of the operation.
As provas eram, uma metralhadora... a mesma que Angel deixou no local. E uma testemunha que vira o Florian Barrios usando uma igual... no campo de tiro de São Fernando.
All the evidence they had was a military machine-gun... the same one Angel left behind at the scene, and a witness who saw Florián Barrios firing a similar gun... at a shooting range in San Fernando.
Florian era a única carta que tinham para chegar até Fontana.
Florián was the only lead they had to get Fontana.
Florian era a chave.
Florián was the key.
Imagina o Ernest Hemingway ali sentado no Caffé Florian, beberricando um whisky, imaginando a próxima obra-prima.
Imagine Ernest Hemingway sitting right over there at the Caffè Florian, just sipping a single malt, dreaming up his next masterpiece.
Os elfos, gigantes, ogres e humanos costumavam viver em harmonia, mas quando o Rei Florian foi morto, alegadamente por um ogre,
Elves, giants, ogres and humans used to exist in harmony, but when King Florian was killed, allegedly by an ogre,
O Rei Florian era um bom homem.
King Florian was a good man.
Para Mike e o seu parceiro de mergulho, Florian Graner, será muito fácil ficar perdido ou ser arrastado pela corrente.
For Mike and his partner, Florian Graner it would be all too easy to get lost, or swept away by the current.
A visibilidade é tão má que ele tem de agarrar-se ao Florian.
The visibility is so bad, that he's having to hold on to Florian.
Depois de a noite se instalar, Florian junta-se a Mike.
After night is fallen, Florian joins Mike.
Florian encontrou a serpente que quase atacou Richard.
And Florian had found the snake that almost attacked Richard.
Florian procura crocodilos da selva.
Florian is searching for jungle crocodiles.
Olá, ligou para Rick e Maggie Florian.
'Hi, you're through to Rick and Maggie Florian.
É Mr. Florian?
Are you Mr Florian?
É melhor eu ver os registos e avivar a memória de Mr.
Ahm... I'd better dig up the phone records, sir. Jog Mr Florian's memory.
Que tipo de negócio tem, Mr. Florian?
What's your line of business, Mr Florian?
Obrigado, Mr. Florian, obrigado.
Well, thank you, Mr Florian, thank you very much.
passado a Ms. Florian, 2 kg de peixe.
"To Mrs Florian. Fish, two kilos."
Mas não acho que o Richard Florian seja o seu homem.
Mind you, I wouldn't say Richard Florian's your man.
Porque acha então que cá vêm os Florian?
Why do you think the Florians come down here, then?
Sabe, pouco antes do Natal, a meio da noite, fomos chamados a casa dos Florian, o bote salva-vidas de Fennacombe.
You know, just before Christmas, in the middle of the night, we were called out to the Florians. "We" being the Fennacombe lifeboat.
Porque não almoçam connosco e deixo-os na casa dos Florian?
Join us for lunch and then I'll drop you over to the Florians.
Aqui estamos, é aqui que os Florian ficam quando cá vêm.
Here we are. This is where the Florians stay when they're down.
E... soube algo mais dos Florian?
So, any progress with the Florians?
Espero que não se importe que lhe ligue, mas achei que devia saber. Os Florian vieram a meio da semana, quebrando assim um longo padrão.
I hope you don't mind me phoning, but I thought you should know - the Florians are here and it's midweek, so they're breaking a long-established pattern.
Os Florian saíram.
The Florians are out of town.
Verificaste o cadastro de Richard Florian?
Did you check up on Richard Florian's credentials?
A GREENBASE Oil é uma empresa japonesa, mas o Florian já não trabalha para eles.
Greenbase Oil. It's a Japanese-owned company, but Florian doesn't work for them any more.
Ele fazia-lhe perguntas sobre Sir John Waverley, o Jack, os Florian?
Did he ask you questions about Sir John Waverley? Jack? The Florians?
Pelos Florian, de longe.
The Florians, by far and away.
Florian, a enfermeira Lynn indica-lhe o caminho.
That's fine, Mr Florian. Nurse Lynn will show you the way.
Sabemos que tem uma Mrs. Florian aos seus cuidados.
We understand that you have a patient in your care, a Mrs Florian?
Sim, Margaret Florian.
Um, yes, Margaret Florian.
Fui esta manhã a casa dos Florian.
I went over to the Florians'house this morning, by the way.
Isso não incomoda o Richard Florian.
That won't worry Richard Florian.
Mr. Florian, chegou mesmo a tempo.
Mr Florian, you've arrived just in time, sir.
Estes cartuchos são artesanais, Mr Florian.
These cartridges are home-made, Mr Florian.
Apanhámo-los, Jones, aos Florian.
So, we've got'em, Jones, the Florians.
Bom, não encontrámos o ouro por isso como provar que os Florian o procuravam, e o Barrett os seguia?
Well, we haven't found the gold so how can we prove that the Florians were after it, let alone Barrett being onto them?
Não chegou aqui aos berros : "Alguém viu Richard Florian?"
I mean, you didn't come down here and yell out, "Has anyone seen Richard Florian?"

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