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Translate.vc / Portekizce → İngilizce / Indi

Indi Çeviri İngilizce

11 parallel translation
Do Nilo ao Indi. De Samarkand à Babilónia.
From the Nile to the Indus, from Samarkand to Babylon.
Segundo a lenda, Triacus era a base de um bando de saqueadores, em guerra constante no sistema de Epsilon Indi.
According to the legend, Triacus was the seat of a band of marauders who made constant war throughout the system of Epsilon Indi.
- Provas substanciais indicam...
- Substantial evidence indi...
Isso e na conferencia de imprensa cantei... "Um, dois, três indiozinhos..."
That, and at the press conference I sang... d One little, two little, three little indi... d
Nós éramos os putos Indi.
We were the indie kids.
- Para o Indiana? O quê?
To Indi--what?
Hindi-is... eh?
Não adianta.
Indi... it's no good. I can't find it.

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