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Johann Çeviri İngilizce

448 parallel translation
Apresentamos "Tocata e Fuga em ré menor" deJ. S. Bach... com imagens de Walt Disney e artistas e música executada... pela Orq. Sinfónica de Filadélfia sob a direcção de Leopold Stokowski.
So now we present... the Tocatta and Fugue in D-Minor by Johann Sebastian Bach... interpreted in pictures by Walt Disney and his associates... and in music by the Philadelphia Orchestra... and its conductor, Leopold Stokowski.
Johann Sebastian Schulz.
Johann Sebastian Schulz.
Sei que os boches tiveram um compositor, há muito, chamado Johann Sebastian.
I understand the Krauts had a composer way back with a Johann Sebastian in it.
Johann Nicolai Tetens?
Johann Nicolai Tetens?
Esta caixa de música veio da casa de Johann Nicolai Tetens.
That music box came from the home of Johann Nicolai Tetens.
Johann Petzmacher.
- Mr. Johann Petzmacher.
Sr. Johann Petzmacher...
Mr. Johann Petzmacher...
Johann Heinrich.
Johann Heinrich.
Larrabee, venha cá rapidamente.
Send Johann in immediately.
Max, isso é porquê? Toda a gente sabe que quando se elevam os pés,..
As soon as he does, Johann will kill your Chief, substitute our Chief for him, and then CONTROL will be- - how do you say it in your language?
Enviem o Johann, imediatamente.
You came along because you had to take us.
Quando o fizer, Johann vai matá-lo e substitui-lo pelo nosso de maneira a que a CONTROL será...
Señor Conchata, do your leap. - What leap? - The famous leap over the four horses.
Chama-se Johann, e é um agente da KAOS. Não lhe dê ouvidos, chefe.
Listen, when I travel, I only carry $ 50 in cash.
Ele é que se chama Johann, e ele é que é agente da KAOS.
- Will you take a credit card?
Estavas a gozar com ela, Johann?
Were you teasing her, Johann?
- Matar o Johann
You will kill Johann.
E o Johann?
And Johann?
Queres mesmo saber quem é que eu sou, Johann?
Do you really want to know who I am, Johann?
- Querem Johann-Sébastian Bach? .
Johann Sebastian Bach?
Major Johann Schmidt.
Maj. Johann Schmidt.
Por que é que o mundo nunca se lembra do nome de Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern Schplenden-Schlitter Crasscrenbon-Fried Digger-Dangle-Dungle Burstein von Knackerthrasher-Applebanger Horowitz Ticolensic Grander-Knotty Spelltinkle Grandlich Grumblemeyer Spelterwasser Kurstlich Himbleeisen-Bahnwagen Gutenabend-Bitte Ein Nürnburger-Bratwürstle Gerspurten Mitz Weimache Luber Hundsfut Gumberaber-Schönedanker Kalbsfleisch Mittler-Aucher von Hautkopf de Ulm?
Why is it the world never remembered the name of Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern Schplenden-Schlitter Crasscrenbon-Fried Digger-Dangle-Dungle Burstein von Knackerthrasher-Applebanger Horowitz Ticolensic Grander-Knotty Spelltinkle Grandlich Grumblemeyer Spelterwasser Kurstlich Himbleeisen-Bahnwagen Gutenabend-Bitte Ein Nurnburger-Bratwurstle Gerspurten Mitz Weimache Luber Hundsfut Gumberaber-Schonedanker Kalbsfleisch Mittler-Aucher von Hautkopf of Ulm?
Para fazermos justiça a este homem, que muitos julgam ser o maior nome da música barroca germânica, apresentamos um perfil de Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern Schplenden-Schlitter Crasscrenbon-Fried Digger-Dangle-Dungle Burstein von Knackerthrasher-Applebanger Horowitz Ticolensic Grander-Knotty Spelltinkle Grandlich Grumblemeyer Spelterwasser Kurstlich Himbleeisen-Bahnwagen Gutenabend-Bitte Ein Nürnburger-Bratwürstle Gerspurten Mitz Weimache Luber Hundsfut Gumberaber-Schönedanker Kalbsfleisch Mittler-Aucher von Hautkopf de Ulm.
To do justice to this man thought by many to be the greatest name in German Baroque music, we present a profile of Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern Schplenden-Schlitter Crasscrenbon-Fried Digger-Dangle-Dungle Burstein von Knackerthrasher-Applebanger Horowitz Ticolensic Grander-Knotty Spelltinkle Grandlich Grumblemeyer Spelterwasser Kurstlich Himbleeisen-Bahnwagen Gutenabend-Bitte Ein Nurnburger-Bratwurstle Gerspurten Mitz Weimache Luber Hundsfut Gumberaber-Schonedanker Kalbsfleisch Mittler-Aucher von Hautkopf of Ulm.
Sim, conheci o Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern Schplenden-Schlitter Crasscrenbon-Fried Digger-Dangle-Dungle Burstein von Knackerthrasher-Applebanger Horowitz Ticolensic Grander-Knotty Spelltinkle Grandlich Grumblemeyer Spelterwasser Kurstlich Himbleeisen-Bahnwagen Gutenabend-Bitte Ein Nürnburger-Bratwürstle Gerspurten Mitz Weimache Luber Hundsfut Gumberaber-Schönedanker Kalbsfleisch Mittler-Aucher von Hautkopf de Ulm quando ele estava com a sua mulher Sarah Gambolputty de von...
Yeah, I first met Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern Schplenden-Schlitter Crasscrenbon-Fried Digger-Dangle-Dungle Burstein von Knackerthrasher-Applebanger Horowitz Ticolensic Grander-Knotty Spelltinkle Grandlich Grumblemeyer Spelterwasser Kurstlich Himbleeisen-Bahnwagen Gutenabend-Bitte Ein Nurnburger-Bratwurstle Gerspurten Mitz Weimache Luber Hundsfut Gumberaber-Schonedanker Kalbsfleisch Mittler-Aucher von Hautkopf of Ulm when he was with his wife Sarah Gambolputty de von- -
Sim, permita-me interrompê-lo, Herr Gambolputty de von Ausfern Schplenden-Schlitter Crasscrenbon-Fried Digger-Dangle-Dungle Burstein von Knackerthrasher-Applebanger Ticolensic Grander-Knotty Spelltinkle Grandlich Grumblemeyer Spelterwasser Kurstlich Himbleeisen-Bahnwagen Gutenabend-Bitte Ein Nürnburger-Bratwürstle Gerspurten Mitz Weimache Luber Hundsfut Gumberaber-Schönedanker Kalbsfleisch Mittler-Aucher von Hautkopf de Ulm, e perguntar-lhe rapidamente se se lembra de algo em particular acerca de Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern Schplenden-Schlitter Crasscrenbon-Fried Digger-Dangle-Dungle Burstein von Knackerthrasher-Apple Banger Ticolensic Grander-Knotty Spelltinkle Grandlich Grumblemeyer Spelterwasser Kurstlich Himbleeisen-Bahnwagen Gutenabend-Bitte Ein Nürnburger-Bratwürstle Gerspurten Mitz Weimache Luber Hundsfut Gumberaber-Schönedanker Kalbsfleisch Mittler-Aucher von Hautkopf de Ulm?
Yes, if I may just cut in on you there Herr Gambolputty de von Ausfern Schplenden-Schlitter Crasscrenbon-Fried Digger-Dangle-Dungle Burstein von Knackerthrasher-Applebanger Ticolensic Grander-Knotty Spelltinkle Grandlich Grumblemeyer Spelterwasser Kurstlich Himbleeisen-Bahnwagen Gutenabend-Bitte Ein Nurnburger-Bratwurstle Gerspurten Mitz Weimache Luber Hundsfut Gumberaber-Schonedanker Kalbsfleisch Mittler-Aucher von Hautkopf of Ulm and ask you quickly if there's any particular thing that you remember about Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern Schplenden-Schlitter Crasscrenbon-Fried Digger-Dangle-Dungle Burstein von Knackerthrasher-Apple- -
Um tributo a Johann Gambolputty de von
A tribute to Johann Gambolputty de von- -
Número 21, guiado por Johann Ritter Número 22, guiado por Paul-Jacques Dion ;
number 21, driven by Johann Ritter number 22, driven by Paul-Jacques Dion ;
O Gulf-Porsche número 21, guiado por Johann Ritter, está entrando nos boxes.
Gulf-Porsche number 21, driven by Johann Ritter, entering the pit.
O Gulf-Porsche número 21 será dirigido por Michael Delaney, substituindo Johann Ritter.
Gulf-Porsche number 21 will be driven by Michael Delaney, replacing Johann Ritter.
O Gulf-Porsche número 21 será dirigido por Michael Delaney, substituindo Johann Ritter.
Gulf-Porsche number 21 will be driven by Michael Delaney, replacing Johann Ritter.
Johann Wolfgang von.
Johann Wolfgang von.
Johann Sebastian Mastropiero.
Johann Sebastian Mastropiero.
Johann Sebastian começou então a investigar... as histórias que se contavam na aldeia vizinha do castelo.
Johann Sebastian then began to delve... into the stories being told in the village near the castle.
Precisamente, Les Luthiers iniciam seu recital desta noite,... interpretando, de Johann Sebastian Mastropiero... bom... "A bela e graciosa... bss, bss... pendurou em uma árvore".
Precisely, Les Luthiers begin their concert tonight,... playing, by Johann Sebastian Mastropiero... well... "The Beautiful and Charming... bzz, bzz... Hung lt Up From a Birch Tree."
Se escutará na continuação, a banda de som do avance publicitário... do filme "O Assassino Misterioso", onde pode apreciar a música... composta especialmente para o filme por Johann Sebastian Mastropiero.
We shall now hear the soundtrack of the advertising preview... of the movie "the Mysterious Killer," in which one may appreciate the music... composed especially for the film by Johann Sebastian Mastropiero.
Escutaremos a continuação a banda de sonido composta por Johann Sebastian...
We shall now hear the soundtrack composed by Johann Sebastian...
Johann Sebastian terminava tocando qualquer coisa.
Johann Sebastian ended up playing on just about anything.
Na continuação escutaremos, de Johann Sebastian Mastropiero,... a música de acompanhamento para o filme mudo...
We shall now hear, by Johann Sebastian Mastropiero,... the music to accompany the silent movie...
Johann Sebastian compôs então esta terceira e definitiva versão... da "lnvocação ao Beijo".
Johann Sebastian then composed this third and definitive version of the "lnvocation to the Kiss"
Em Nova York... vivia desde pequeno Harold Mastropiero, irmão gêmeo e muito parecido com Johann Sebastian.
New York... was, since infancy, the home of Harold Mastropiero, a twin brother with an astonishing resemblance to Johann Sebastian.
Os irmãos Mastropiero, Johann Sebastian e Harold, sabiam muito pouco um do outro.
The Mastropiero brothers, Johann Sebastian and Harold, knew very little about each other.
Johann Sebastian tinha escutado... que seu irmão pertencia a Mafia e este conhecia a música... de Johann Sebastian.
Johann Sebastian had heard it said... that his brother belonged to the Mafia, and the latter knew the music composed... by Johann Sebastian.
Decidido a reconciliar, Johann Sebastian embarcou rumo a Nova York.
Determined to effect a reconciliation, Johann Sebastian boarded a ship to New York.
Quando o vapor estava chegando ao porto, Johann Sebastian, debruçado na... popa, comentou com o capitão : "Jamais houvesse imaginado assim Nova York".
When the steamer was entering port, Johann Sebastian, leaning... his elbows on the rail, remarked to the captain, "ld never have imagined New York like this."
O parecido era tão notável que durante toda a estadia de Johann Sebastian... os guarda-costas de Harold não sabiam a quem proteger, o mordomo de Harold... não sabia a quem atender e a mulher de Harold... se chamava Margaret.
the resemblance was so remarkable that during all of Johann Sebastians stay... Harolds bodyguards didnt know whom to protect, Harolds butler... didnt know whom to serve, and Harolds wife... was called Margaret.
Johann Sebastian compôs várias peças de Music Hall que foram estreadas... no cabaret clandestino de seu irmão Harold.
Johann Sebastian composed several music hall pieces which were first played... in the clandestine cabaret run by his brother Harold.
Em seguida escutaremos um fragmento da sonata nº1, opus 1 7,... para violino e piano, de Johann Sebastian Mastropiero, em sua versão original,... exatamente como foi estreada por Rudolff e Gundula von Lichtenkraut.
We shall now hear a fragment of sonata No. 1, opus 1 7,... for violin and piano, by Johann Sebastian Mastropiero, in its original version,... just as it was first performed by Rudolff and Gundula von Lichtenkraut.
Larabee, é melhor levá-lo e deixá-lo com o segurança. Certo, Dr.Bascomb.
Ah, Johann,
Pobre Mrs.Macklin.
Johann :
Oh, Johann,
I will wait for you. That won't be necessary.
Que maravilha, Johann.
- Right. I have a message from your man in San Saludos.
vai revelar o segredo da ogiva supersónica ao nosso Johann.
Stop the music!

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