/ Portekizce → İngilizce / Lieutenant
Lieutenant Çeviri İngilizce
18,687 parallel translation
Obrigado, Tenente.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
- Obrigado, Tenente.
Thanks, Lieutenant.
Olhem, o Callen e o Sam falaram com o Tenente Bates.
Get this- - Callen and Sam talked to Lieutenant Bates.
Alguma noticia do Comandante, Tenente?
You hear anything from Chief, Lieutenant?
- Desculpe, Tenente.
- I'm sorry, Lieutenant.
Há 20 anos, eu tive uma contenda com Billy Ryman, Tenente do Camião no 36º.
About 20 years back I get in this beef with Billy Ryman, Engine Lieutenant on 36.
Qual é o motivo desta reunião, Tenente?
What's this meeting for, Lieutenant?
Parece que o teu amigo Babineaux estava prestes a descobrir que o Tenente Suzuki guardava cérebros humanos no congelador.
Looks like your best bud Babineaux was about to find out. Lieutenant Suzuki kept human brains in his mini-fridge.
Trouxe flores para o meu Tenente?
- Did you bring flowers for my lieutenant?
Tenente Kelly.
Lieutenant Kelly.
- Olá, Tenente. - Olá, Jimmy.
- Hey, Lieutenant.
Sou a ultima pessoa que te devia dizer isto, mas também sou teu Tenente.
I know I'm the last guy to tell someone that, but I'm also your lieutenant.
Entendo perfeitamente, Tenente.
- Okay. I totally get it, Lieutenant.
Kelly Severide, será uma honra ter-te como Tenente do Esquadrão novamente.
Kelly Severide, I would like for you to be my Squad Lieutenant once again.
Falou com mais alguém... DO XERIFE MANITOWOC... para além do Xerife Petersen e do Tenente Lenk, sobre o assunto da prova 138?
[Glynn] Have you ever had any conversations with anybody else other than Sheriff Petersen and Lieutenant Lenk about the subject matter of exhibit 138?
Depois, diz que o senhor disse que Lenk, o Tenente James Lenk,
Then it goes on to say that you said Lenk, M.T.S.O. Lieutenant James Lenk,
Tenente Mallard.
Lieutenant Mallard.
Estava no chão, quando a encontrámos, perto da estante que o Tenente Lenk e o Sargento Colborn tinham revistado.
It was on the floor when we found it, next to a cabinet that Lieutenant Lenk and Sergeant Colborn had been searching.
O Tenente Lenk e o Sargento Colborn são agentes do Condado de Calumet?
All right. And Lieutenant Lenk and Sergeant Colborn are officers of Calumet County?
Foi o Tenente Lenk que viu a chave primeiro.
It was actually Lieutenant Lenk that saw the key first.
E os outros dois membros do seu departamento que prestaram declarações na mesma altura foram o Tenente Lenk e o Sargento Colborn, correto?
And the other two members of your department who had their depositions taken about the same time were Lieutenant Lenk and Sergeant Andrew Colborn, correct?
É o Tenente James Lenk.
And that was Lieutenant James Lenk.
Do nada, na mesma noite, o Tenente James Lenk liga para Calumet por causa de uma pessoa desaparecida.
Out of the blue, the same night, Lieutenant James Lenk calls Calumet about this missing person report.
E ninguém ligou ao tenente Lenk.
And nobody has called for Lieutenant Lenk.
Viu o tenente Lenk no local, na casa dos Avery, em algum desses dias?
Did you see Lieutenant Lenk there on site at the Averys'on either day?
Tenente Lenk.
[Buting] "Lieutenant Lenk."
Era o tenente Jim Lenk, do Dpto. do Xerife do Condado de Manitowoc, o sargento Andy Colborn, do Dpto. do Xerife do Condado de Manitowoc e o Detetive Dave Remiker, do Dpto.
Yes, it was Lieutenant Jim Lenk from the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department, Sergeant Andy Colborn from the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department and Detective Dave Remiker from the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department.
- Sim.
- And would you agree with me that it would've been very difficult... for Lieutenant Lenk or Sergeant Colborn to have planted a Toyota key in that residence under your watch? - Yes.
TENENTE DO CONDADO DE MANITOWOC Tenente Lenk, a 8 de novembro foi, pelo menos, a terceira vez que esteve no quarto do Sr. Avery.
[Strang] Lieutenant Lenk, November 8 was at least your third time into Mr. Avery's bedroom.
Como agente Kucharski e o tenente Lenk.
Deputy Kucharski and Lieutenant Lenk.
O Tenente Lenk disse algo do tipo :
Lieutenant Lenk said something to the effect of,
Deixe-me perguntar-lhe se o senhor ou o Tenente Lenk, ou o agente Kucharski tocaram na chave?
Let me ask you, Sergeant Colborn, did either yourself, Lieutenant Lenk or Deputy Kucharski touch that key?
Nunca entrou na casa do Sr. Avery, sem estar com o Tenente Lenk.
There was no time that you went into Mr. Avery's home when you were not also with Lieutenant Lenk.
Nunca entrou na garagem do Sr. Avery sem o tenente Lenk estar consigo?
[Strang] No time you went in Mr. Avery's garage when Lieutenant Lenk was not also with you?
Vou perguntar-lhe, viu um colega do seu departamento, chamado Tenente Jim Lenk?
I'm gonna come right out and ask you, did you see a gentleman who works for your department named Lieutenant Jim Lenk?
O registo mostra que o tenente Lenk saiu às 10h41, no sábado, 5 de novembro.
All right, so the log shows that Lieutenant Lenk signed out at 10 : 41 p.m. - on Saturday, November 5th. Correct?
Gostaria que olhasse para aí e me mostrasse onde o Ten. Lenk registou a entrada.
Well, if you take a minute and look through there and show me where Lieutenant Lenk signed in.
Consegue encontrar a entrada do tenente Lenk, no registo de 5 de novembro?
Do you see an entry that Lieutenant Lenk signed in anywhere on that log on November 5th?
XERIFE DE MANITOWOC Neste momento, Tenente Lenk, lembra-se das horas a que chegou ao local?
[Kratz] As you sit here today, Lieutenant Lenk, do you recall about what time you arrived at that scene?
Tenente Lenk, houve algum momento, a 5 de novembro, em que tivesse contacto com o SUV da Teresa Halbach?
Lieutenant Lenk, any time on the 5th of November did you have any contact with Teresa Halbach's SUV?
Tenente Lenk, alguma vez retirou sangue do tribunal ou de outro lugar e o colocou no veículo de Teresa Halbach ou noutro lugar, onde pudesse ser parte desta investigação?
Lieutenant Lenk, did you ever obtain any blood from the clerk's office or did you obtain any blood from any location and plant it anywhere in Teresa Halbach's vehicle or anywhere where it could be found as part of this investigation?
O agente que aparece sempre, o Tenente Lenk, Cujo nome está no relatório de provas do caso de 1985, uns anos antes.
The one officer who keeps coming up, Lieutenant Lenk, whose name's on the evidence transmittal from the 1985 case just a couple years earlier.
O Tenente Lenk, que aparece a 5 de novembro sem se registar.
Lieutenant Lenk, who shows up on November 5th without logging in.
O Tenente Lenk que encontra a chave mágica.
Lieutenant Lenk, who finds the magic key.
O Tenente Lenk que, quatro meses depois, quatro meses depois de não precisarem de Manitowoc e sem nenhuma razão legítima, aparece em cena a um de março e o que é encontrado no dia seguinte?
Lieutenant Lenk who, four months later, four months after Manitowoc no longer is needed, with no legitimate reason, is back at that scene on March 1st, and what's found the next day?
O tenente Lenk mentiria?
[Strang] Would Lieutenant Lenk lie?
O tenente Lenk e o sargento Colborn encontraram uma fotógrafa de 25 anos que mataram, mutilaram e queimaram os ossos, tudo para culpar o Sr. Avery?
Lieutenant Lenk, Sergeant Colborn, came across a 25-year-old photographer... killed her, mutilated her, burned her bones, all to set up and to frame Mr. Avery?
Faz com que isto chegue ao Tenente Littlewood.
See that this gets to Lieutenant Littlewood.
Eu estou bem.
- Lieutenant! I'm fine.
Abby, este é o Tenente Chin Ho Kelly.
Abby, this is Lieutenant Chin Ho Kelly.
XERIFE ADJUNTO DE CALUMET Acredita que o Ten. Lenk ou o Sgto.
[Kratz] Did you believe that either Lieutenant Lenk or Sergeant Colborn had an opportunity out of your eyesight to plant that key there?