/ Portekizce → İngilizce / Massachusetts
Massachusetts Çeviri İngilizce
807 parallel translation
- Dos Parkers de Massachusetts?
- Of the Massachusetts'Parkers?
Este veleiro é de Gloucester, Massachusetts.
This schooner is from Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Que a sua irmã, Harriet Stanley, é a famosa Harriet Sedley, que assassinou mãe e pai, com um machado, há 25 anos, no Massachusetts.
That your sister, Harriet Stanley is the famous Harriet Sedley, who murdered her mother and father with an ax " 5 years ago in Massachusetts.
C. vale, Boston, Massachusetts.
"C. Vale, Boston."
Mas, no leste, há outro homem que também é procurado. Procurado no Massachusetts e no Maine.
But in the east, there's another man who's being hunted, too, hunted through Massachusetts and into Maine.
- Oh, Boston, Massachusetts?
- Oh, Boston, Massachusetts?
- Não, Provincetown, Massachusetts.
- No, Provincetown, Massachusetts.
- Massachusetts.
- Massachussets.
- Massachusetts!
- Massachussets.
O veículo está a virar para Oeste para a Massachusetts Avenue.
The target vehicle is turning west into Massachusetts Avenue.
Danaher, apresento-lhe ao Sr. Thornton de Pittsburgh, Massachusetts, USA.
Miss Danaher, meet Mr Thornton from Pittsburgh, Massachusetts, USA.
Mas no regresso, parei no arsenal de Springfield.
But before I came, I stopped at the arsenal at Springfield, Massachusetts. Without orders, I may add.
A mãe delas, que deve ter uns 110 anos, uma tia de Massachusetts, e mais três cujos nomes nem percebi.
Their mother, who's 110 if she's a day. An aunt from Massachusetts. And three more whose names I didn't even catch.
O pai dela foi senador pelo Massachusetts.
Her father was a senator for Massachusetts.
Walston College, em Massachusetts.
- Walston College in Massachusetts.
Ela é agora caloira do Walston College em Massachusetts.
She is now an enrolled member... of the freshman class of Walston College in Massachusetts.
"Senhor Harry Worp, 87 Maple Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts."
"Mr Harry Worp, 87 Maple Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts."
A Faculdade de Farmácia de Massachusetts.
The Massachusetts School of Pharmacy.
O meu professor na Escola de Escola de Farmácia de Massachusetts... costumava tocar ukulele, e tocávamo-nos juntos, e...
My prof at the Massachusetts School of Pharmacy... he used to play the ukulele, so the two of us, we'd get together and- -
Nunca conheci ninguém de Kentucky que se parecesse tanto com Massachusetts.
I never met a Kentuckian so plainly from Massachusetts.
Estou a escrever sobre a minha cidade natal, Essington, no Massachusetts, e, em especial, sobre o Sr. John Anderson.
I'm writing about my hometown, Essington, Massachusetts and especially about Mr. Anderson. Mr. John Anderson.
- Massachusetts, família antiga.
- Massachusetts, very old stock.
Eu fiz seu casamento. De Boston, Massachusetts.
From Boston, Massachusetts.
Boston, Massachusetts, Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Boston, Massachusetts. Elizabeth, New Jersey.
É de Vermont ou de Massachusetts?
Is it Vermont or Massachusetts?
Combinando tácticas, astúcia e destreza manual.
By natural application of superior tactics, Massachusetts wit, and left-handed skill.
Horace Tabor, de Worcester, no Massachusetts.
Horace Tabor, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Pela autoridade que me é conferida pela Comunidade de Massachusetts, declaro-os marido e mulher.
By the authority vested in me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I pronounce you man and wife.
Barney Polaczek, Clancy Street, 391, Boston, Massachusetts!
Barney Polaczek, 391 Clancy Street, Boston, Massachusetts!
Mas nós estamos em Massachusetts.
- But we're in Massachusetts.
Um homem como tu, que vive em Quincy, Massachusetts... deve receber muitas chamadas para levar um camião de Burlington a Portland.
A man like you, lives in Quincy, Mass.... must get a lot of calls to drive a semi from Burlington to Portland.
Salem, Massachusetts, se me lembro bem dos registros históricos.
Salem, Massachusetts, if I recall your historical records correctly.
Aqueles de nós que sobreviveram... vieram para a cidade de Salem, Massachusetts, como colonos... e tentaram viver como os outros homens.
Those of us who survived came to the town of Salem in Massachusetts, as settlers, and tried to live like other men.
Não tem nada a ver com Massachusetts.
It's nothing like Massachusetts.
Ele era de Salem, Massachussetts.
He was from Salem, Massachusetts.
Havia menos de 80 anos desde que Robert Goddard, tivera a sua visão epifania, numa cerejeira no Massachusetts.
It was less than 80 years since Robert Goddard had his epiphanic vision in a cherry tree in Massachusetts.
Em Harvard, Massachusetts, um radiotelescópio que controla 8 milhões, de canais de rádio separados, tem estado a esquadrinhar os céus em busca de sinais.
In Harvard, Massachusetts, a radio telescope monitoring 8 million separate radio channels has been scanning the skies for signals.
Aquele ali é o Nat Wyeth de Massachusetts.
Now, that's Nat Wyeth from Massachusetts.
Mas tenho uma prima em Massachusetts -. - ela é uma ótima assistente social, pode ajudá-los.
My cousin is visiting from Massachusetts. She's a terrific social worker. Bright.
Que Deus abençoe o Estado do Massachusetts.
God save the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Certamente que sim, mas estamos no Massachusetts.
Yes, I'm quite sure it is, but, um... this is, uh, Massachusetts.
São 26 cinemas, 14 lojas de vídeo, em Jersey, Nova Iorque e Massachusetts.
Twenty-six theaters, 14 retail stores... in Jersey, New York and Massachusetts.
Vivia pacificamente entre os índios em em algum lugar no que agora é o Massachusetts.
He lived peacefully among the Indians, in, uh - somewhere in what is now Massachusetts.
Parece Massachusetts.
It looks like Massachusetts.
Os ingleses fundaram Massachusetts.
The English settled Massachusetts.
Aireon, Massachusetts, ano 1978...
Aireon, Massachusetts, year 1978...
Em 1978... dois homens, um chamado Samuell Aireon, morreu no Massachusetts.
In 1978... two men by the name of Samuells died in Aireon, Massachusetts.
Nenhum lutador enfileirado te daria um tiro... até que o teu acordo com o Davis volte para Massachusetts?
No ranked fighter would give you a shot... until you signed with Davis back in Massachusetts?
Aireon, Massachusetts.
Aireon, Massachusetts.
"Massachussets, 60-21"
Plymouth, massachusetts, 1621.
Neste terceiro dia de Março, do ano 1692 de nosso senhor, nós, o povo de Whitewood, Massachussets, te condenamos como bruxa.
We the people of Whitewood, Massachusetts, condemn thee as a witch.