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Translate.vc / Portekizce → İngilizce / Máos

Máos Çeviri İngilizce

363 parallel translation
Coloque minhas maos em sua barriga, e sinta nosso bebe chutando.
Put my hands on your belly, and feel our baby kicking.
Vá lá, mäos ao ar.
Come on, stick them up.
Mäos ao ar!
Put them up!
Levante-se e ponha as mäos ao ar.
Get on your feet and put your hands up.
Tem uma luta terrível em mäos.
You've got an awful fight on your hands.
Devia ser fácil para ti deitar as mäos øquela quantia em dinheiro.
It ought to be easy for you to lay your mitts on that kind of dough.
Näo temos muito em mäos.
We haven't much on hand.
Usaremos as mäos, se tiver de ser.
Then we'll bail with our hands if we must.
Vi-os apertar as mäos.
I saw them shake hands.
O sucesso do sanatório está nas suas mäos.
The success of the sanitarium is in your hands.
Caso nunca tenha feito isto, chama-se lavar as mäos.
In case you've never done it, this is known as washing your hands.
A seguir, devíamos lavar as mäos.
The next thing I think we should do is wash our hands.
E mais de 30 mil marcos nas mäos daquele patife!
And more than 30,000 marks in the hands of that wolf's head.
Das gentis mäos de Lady Marian Fitzwalter, receberás a recompensa.
From the gracious hand of Lady Marian Fitzwalter, you'll receive your reward.
É uma honra recebê-lo das mäos de täo bela dama.
It's indeed an honor to receive it from the hands of so beautiful a lady.
- Está em boas mäos.
- He's in good hands.
Tenho uma tarefa complicada em mäos.
I have risen to a difficult task.
- Tire as mäos daí, seu velho tonto.
Take your hands off there, you old fool.
É preciso ter descaramento para me pôr as mäos em cima.
You got a nerve putting your hands on me.
Tens de lavar bem as mäos ou näo há jantar.
You have to wash up all over or no dinner.
Sabes, basta dizeres e digo-lhe que lave as mäos e desca. Ç
You know, you just say the word and I'll have her wash up and come down.
Diz-lhe para lavar as mäos e descer.
Tell her to wash her up and come on down.
- Tenta com ambas as mäos.
- Try doing it with both hands.
Mäos à obra e nada de falhas.
All right. Get to work, and no slip-ups.
O Dr. Jackson disse que o homicida usou o braço, nao as maos.
Dr. Jackson said the killer used his arm, not his hands.
Podes matar alguém sem usar as maos.
You can kill a person without using hands.
Esqueceu as minhas maos.
You forgot my hands.
Ficas de maos atadas.
It ties your hands.
Ponham as maos atrás das costas.
Put your hands behind you, both of you.
Tira as mäos de cima de mim.
Take your hands off me.
Deixo tudo nas suas mäos.
I'm leaving it in your care, Sergeant.
Assim que chegar, fico em boas mäos.
I'll be all right once I get back.
- Se nao sairmos imediatamente com as maos ao alto, nunca mais sairemos daqui.
- He said if we don't walk out now with our hands in the air, we won't walk out at all.
- Sei que os vou deixar em boas maos.
I know I'm leaving them in good hands.
E se encontrar as duas irmas Haynes, agarro-as pelo cabelo e com estas duas maos...
If those Haynes sisters are there, with these two hands, I'm...
Quero lavar as maos A cara e o cabelo com neve
# I want to wash my hands # # My face and hair with snow #
Nao se importa de tirar as maos dos bolsos, pois nao?
You wouldn't mind taking your hands out of your pockets, would you?
Maos para baixo, Griffin!
Hands off, Griffin!
Ponha as maos no ar.
Get your hands up.
Ponha as maos no ar, acima da cabeca, e caminhe para a luz.
Raise your hands above your head and walk into the light.
Ponha as maos no ar, acima da cabeca!
Raise your hands above your head!
Vou fazer a barba, cortar o cabelo, arranjar as mäos, tratamento completo.
I'm gonna take a shave, haircut, manicure, the whole works.
Nas mäos erradas, tal ferramenta näo seria uma arma mortífera?
Well, in the wrong hands, mightn't such a tool become a deadly weapon?
Há dezanove anos, cavei as sepulturas com as minhas mäos.
Nineteen years ago I dug those graves with my own hands.
- E as maos deÉe.
- And his hands.
Kalmikof, estás preso! Mäos!
Kalmykov, you are under arrest!
Mäos ao ar!
Hands up!
Mäos ao ar!
Hands up.
De mäos dadas, daremos combate a quem escravizou os trabalhadores ao longo de séculos!
We'll go hand in hand to fight those who have been enslaving the working men for centuries!
Estás nas minhas mäos, canalha!
We've got you, bastard!
Há quem se aproveite das vossas mäos para estrangular o poder dos operários e camponeses!
They use you to undermine the rule of the workers and the peasants!

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