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Parecia Çeviri İngilizce

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Da última vez que vos vi, não parecia que estivessem juntos.
It's just... When i saw you last, it didn't seem like you were together.
- Ele parecia furioso.
He looked mad.
Ele não parecia lá muito feliz quanto a isso.
He didn't seem so happy about it.
Ela parecia tão certa de voltar...
She seemed so sure she'd come by.
Parecia uma rixa prestes a acontecer ou algo parecido.
I heard, like, a loud bang coming from the parking lot.
Perdemos por muitos, e tudo parecia errado, sabe?
We lost bad, and everything was just feeling wrong, you know?
Ele parecia muito simpático.
He seemed very nice.
Por isso, falar... de trânsito ou de lavar a roupa parecia-me incrivelmente hipócrita.
So to talk about... traffic or laundry felt incredibly disingenuous.
As testemunhas dizem que ele parecia desorientado antes de ir para estrada.
Witnesses say Derek looked disoriented before he walked into traffic.
Ela parecia simpática.
She seemed nice.
Claro que parecia.
Of course she did.
Eu parecia louca.
I did sound insane.
Ele parecia... tão lúcido.
He seemed... so lucid.
À pois. Bem me parecia.
Okay, I didn't think so.
Como é que se parecia esse diabo?
What did this devil look like?
Como é que se parecia o inferno?
What did hell look like?
No início, parecia o jogo do Oregon Trail mas com menos disenteria.
In the beginning, it was like a real-life version of the Oregon Trail with only slightly less dysentery.
Acreditem, realmente parecia que ela a tinha matado.
You got to believe me, you guys. I-it really looked like she did it. Mm-hmm.
Ela parecia estar aborrecida ou sob pressão?
Did she sound upset or under duress?
Ela parecia estar bem.
She seemed fine.
Ele não parecia estar muito preocupado em ser interrompido.
He didn't seem too concerned about being interrupted.
Este tempo todo ele parecia ter uma vida normal e bem ajustada.
All this time he seemed to have such a normal, well-adjusted life.
Não, Jay, ela parecia estar perturbada e se acontecesse alguma coisa... Está sempre a sonhar com a minha morte.
No, Jay, she seemed pretty upset, and if something were to happen - - she's always dreaming about me dying.
Que parecia inteligente, na altura, mas parece que a morte não anula um contrato.
Which seemed smart at the time, but it turns out death doesn't actually nullify a contract.
O Wyatt parecia bastante inflexível sobre não ter largado a arma.
Wyatt seemed pretty adamant about not putting down his prop gun.
Sim, parecia verdadeiramente devastado.
Yeah, he seems real devastated.
- A pronúncia parecia escandinava.
Her accent sounded Scandinavian to me.
- Da última vez que a vi, ela parecia saber que algo mau ia acontecer.
The last time I saw her, it felt like she knew something bad was gonna happen.
Bem me parecia que eras tu.
Jesus. I thought that was you.
- Ela parecia muito avançada.
She sounded pretty far along.
- A tua irmã adoptiva parecia zangada.
Your foster sister seemed like she was pretty upset.
Na altura parecia-me uma boa ideia, mas não foi minha.
It seemed like a good idea at the time, but it wasn't mine.
A certa altura, pensámos que poderia ter sido o perseguidor da Zoe, mas alguma coisa nisso não parecia verdadeiro.
At one point, we thought it could've been Zoe's stalker, but something about that didn't quite ring true.
Depois, parecia uma cena de O presidiário, com as reclusas a cavarem valas ao sol.
Then it turned into a scene out of Cool Hand Luke, with the inmates digging trenches in the sun.
Era pequeno, escorregadio e não parecia nada uma goma, Flaca.
And it was small and slippery... and not like a jelly bean at all, Flaca.
Parecia que me ia cortar a mão com um machado.
It felt like my hand was being hacked off with a blunt axe.
Ela parecia muito protectora dele.
She seemed very protective of him.
Ela parecia corajosa.
She sounds brave.
- Ela parecia preocupar-se mesmo contigo.
She seemed to really care about you. Drop it.
Bem me parecia.
Good. I didn't think so!
Recebi o cadáver de uma mulher. Quando observei o sangue dela, parecia que ainda estava viva.
I got this female DB and when I checked her blood it was acting like it was still alive.
- Aquele parecia perto.
That one seemed close.
- Parecia vir de dentro das cercas.
It sounded like it was inside the fences.
As canções eram deles e o Liam não parecia deslocado.
They had their own songs, and Liam didn't look that out of place.
Parecia um miúdo no recreio da escola.
He looks like he's in a school playground chasing leaves.
Quase parecia normal.
It was like what we'd always read about.
Nem sei quem a arranjou, estava lá e parecia cocaína.
I don't know who fucking got it, but it was there and we all thought it was coke.
Parecia que tinha enlouquecido!
It was like he'd lost his mind!
Parecia o Herman.
She looked like Herman.
Parecia menos assustada.
Sounded like she was a little less afraid for a second.
Quando parecia o Aaron?
Yeah, when he looked like Aaron?

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