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Raleigh Çeviri İngilizce

233 parallel translation
Walter Raleigh, cavaleiro, vice-almirante da armada e protector do estanho.
Walter Raleigh, knight, vice admiral of the fleets, and warden of the stannary.
Enquanto Essex, ignorando o conselho de Howard e de Raleigh, conquistou fama para si, invadindo a cidade.
While Essex, against the advice of Howard and Raleigh gathered fame for himself by storming the town.
Graças a Lorde Howard
Thanks to my Lord Howard and Sir Raleigh.
Sir Walter Raleigh.
Sir Walter Raleigh.
Sir Raleigh escreveu uma resposta à balada do Mestre Marlowe.
By Your Grace, Raleigh has lately writ an answer to Master Marlowe's ballad.
E o Raleigh a tentar ganhar os favores da rainha.
And Raleigh, working himself into favor.
Raleigh, aquele sapo.
Raleigh, that toad.
Claro que precisa de mim, com patetas como o Raleigh de volta dela.
Well, of course she needs me with nincompoops like Raleigh around her.
Recorda-me o Raleigh.
It reminds me of Raleigh.
O Raleigh?
Quando achais que não dou conta de imbecis como Raleigh e os dele?
When you think I can't outflank such numskulls as Raleigh and his clique?
Pensámos nomear Raleigh lorde protector.
It was our thought to name Raleigh lord protector.
Já que a sua aventura em Cádiz terminou mal, Raleigh deveria ter prioridade nisto.
Since your Cádiz adventure ended so lamely Raleigh should have first place in this.
E darei mais problemas a Raleigh e a Cecil que antes de partir.
More of a problem to the Raleighs and the Cecils than before I left.
Diz-se que estava na mesma família de irlandeses desde que Sir Walter Raleigh fumou cachimbo pela primeira vez.
It was owned by the same family ever since that grand Irishman, Sir Walter Raleigh, first smoked a pipe.
Ele não os vai tomar. Toma. Traz o calmante de ervas da Sra. Raleigh.
Here, run down to Mrs. Rolly's, and get some of that herbal pain killer.
Sir Walter Raleigh tinha um chapéu de guaxinim.
Sir Walter Raleigh had a raccoon hat.
Hotel Raleigh, por favor.
Raleigh Hotel, please.
Comporto-me como o Walter Raleigh
You can never, ever carry it off
Porque terá que ser?
We got elegance We were born with elegance I behave like Walter Raleigh
Vão todos a Iuka ou a Raleigh, nas Ozarks.
They all go to luka or Raleigh, the Ozarks.
O Raleigh e a Helena estão danificados e inclinados! "
Raleigh and Helena damaged and listing. "
Sir Walter Raleigh está a preparar outra expedição à Virgínia.
Sir walter raleigh is equipping Another expedition to virginia.
- Raleigh, Henry.
- Raleigh, Henry.
- O pai dele é o Almirante Raleigh Cook?
- His father is Admiral Raleigh Cook?
Almirante Raleigh Cook.
Admiral Raleigh Cook, that's who.
Veio desde Raleigh.
All the way from Raleigh.
O regresso de Sir Walter - que grande navio que eu tenho - Raleigh só me causa indiferença.
Look, Percy, the return of Sir Walter "Oh, what a big ship I've got" Raleigh is a matter of supreme indifference to me.
Para ti é uma batata, para mim é uma batata, mas para o sacana do Sir Walter Raleigh são propriedades, belos coches e as raparigas que a língua dele aguentar.
To you it's a potato, to me it's a potato. But to Sir Walter Bloody Raleigh it's country estates, fine carriages and as many girls as his tongue can cope with.
Onde está essa lapa com sabor a peixe, rato de porão, Sir " "Rather a Wally" " ( antes ser burro ) Raleigh?
So where's this barnacle-bottomed, haddock-flavoured, bilge-rat Sir'rather a wally'Raleigh, then?
Majestade! Só não matei o Raleigh, porque chorou a caminho do cepo.
I only let Raleigh off because he blubbed on his way to the block.
Eles, querem ouvir-me em Raleigh.
There's an emergency session in Raleigh over the assault.
Perdi o das 9 e 20?
- I didn't miss the 9 : 20 to Raleigh?
Às vezes vou a Raleigh em negócios.
I get up to Raleigh-Durham once or twice a month on business.
O Seaquest não foi projectado para arrastar as tuas fantasias, Raleigh.
"SeaQuest" wasn't designed to haul around your fantasies, Raleigh.
Podes parar com o discurso, Raleigh, o rapaz já saiu.
You can get off your soapbox now, Raleigh, the boy is gone.
Iniciar descida.
You know, it's aggravating enough... diving through a thermocline without your platform attached to us, Raleigh. Begin descent.
- Não vai sair dali, Raleigh.
It's not going anywhere, Raleigh.
Aquele é o Raleigh Young?
is that Raleigh Young?
Raleigh, conheces o Malcolm Lansdowne?
Raleigh, you know Malcolm Lansdowne?
Obrigado, Raleigh.
Thanks, Raleigh.
- Raleigh... O que querem ouvir?
Raleigh ".... " So what would we like to hear?
Raleigh, vai comer.
Raleigh, go eat.
O Raleigh está prestes a enviar a bóia de magma para dentro do vulcão.
Listen, Raleigh's about to send his magma buoy into a smoker.
Nem o Raleigh nem o supositório de cerâmica vão dar pela minha falta.
I don't think that Raleigh or his ceramic suppository will mind my absence.
- Parto para Raleigh esta tarde.
- I leave for Raleigh this afternoon.
- A policia de Raleigh disse...
- The Raleigh police said...
E para o Melchy e o Wally?
But what about Melchy and Raleigh?
- Raleigh...
- E o Raleigh?
And Raleigh?

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