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Sentía Çeviri İngilizce

12 parallel translation
Ela veio fazer-me companhia porque me sentía só.
She came over to baby-sit with me because I was lonely.
Confesso... sentía ínveja ao ouvír o que contavam sobre ele.
I admit, I was jealous when I heard the tales they told about him.
Sim, eu sei, Mikey, eu também estou assustada, mas sentía-me muito melhor se viesses lá para fora comigo.
Yeah, I know, Mikey, I'm scared too, but I'd feel so much better if you were out here with me.
Sentía, de algum modo, que estava obrigado a ter éxito.
I felt somehow that I was obliged to succeed.
Sentía-me frustrado porque...
I was just completely frustrated. -'Cause...
Quando você veio quase me sentía um pouco tímida.
When you came near me.. I felt shy.
Sentía que todos nos olhavam.
I had the feeling the whole world was watching us.
Não as via, mas as sentía.
You couldn't see it, but you could sense the tension.
mas para o que agora vía e sentía nesse momento ciencia e tecnología não teem respostas
But now, what I was seeing and even more important, what I was feeling at that moment in time, science and technology had no answers for.
sentía-se como um grito de ajuda.
One felt as an aid shout.
Não me sentía bem.
I was not feeling well.
Só me preguntou como me sentía.
And I, uh... Just wanted to see what that was like.

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