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Shelley Çeviri İngilizce

1,019 parallel translation
A sua roupa, Menina Shelley.
Your clothes, Miss Shelley.
Menina Shelley, vamos trabalhar para dentro.
Miss Shelley, we might as well take our work inside.
Menina Shelley, sim...
Miss Shelley, yes...
- Menina Shelley.
- Miss Shelley.
Menina Shelley.
Miss Shelley.
Obrigado, Menina Shelley.
Thank you, Miss Shelley.
Boa noite, Menina Shelley.
Good night, Miss Shelley.
- Temos de comer isso, Menina Shelley.
- We must have some, Miss Shelley.
Lembra-se de tudo, Menina Shelley.
Well, you certainly think of everything, Miss Shelley.
- Menina Shelley, estou sem palavras.
- Miss Shelley, I am at a total loss.
- Olá.
- Hello, Miss Shelley.
Menina Shelley, acho que chega de basebol por hoje.
Miss Shelley, I think we've had enough baseball for today.
- Isto não é confortável, Menina Shelley?
- Cosy here, isn't it, Miss Shelley?
Menina Shelley?
Miss Shelley?
- Não pode ser, Menina Shelley.
- I won't have it, Miss Shelley.
A acusar Menina Shelley sem provas?
Making charges against Miss Shelley without evidence?
- Não, Menina Shelley...
- No, Miss Shelley...
Peço desculpa, Menina Shelley.
I apologize, Miss Shelley.
- Vamos, Menina Shelley.
- Come on, Miss Shelley.
Néctar, Menina Shelley.
Nectar, Miss Shelley.
- É tudo, Menina Shelley.
- That will be all, Miss Shelley.
Gosta de borscht, Menina Shelley?
Care much for borscht, Miss Shelley?
Mas tem muito a ver com uma certa Nora Shelley.
But they bear strongly on a lady named Nora Shelley.
Menina Shelley e eu passámos por lá.
Miss Shelley and I were strolling by.
Fui chamada, fui interrogada, e disseram : "Menina Shelley, pode ir."
I was held for questioning, I was questioned, and they just said "Miss Shelley, you are free to go."
Podes parar de me criticar, tu e a Menina Shelley.
You can stop being critical of me, both you and Miss Shelley.
Nora Shelley, a chorar?
Nora Shelley, crying?
Menina Shelley, julgo que Clyde Bracken está vivo.
Miss Shelley, I believe Clyde Bracken is still alive.
Bem, Menina Shelley, para Boston.
Well, Miss Shelley, on to Boston.
Afaste-se, Menina Shelley.
Step aside, Miss Shelley.
Está muito bonita, Menina Shelley.
You look fine, Miss Shelley.
É Shelley.
That's Shelley.
- Shelley.
É de Shelley.
- Now, I'll be... It's Shelley.
Charlie, deixa que o Sr. Machine toque este número.
Shelley, let Mr Machine sit in on this one.
- Este é o Ed Shelley.
- This is Ed Shelley.
- Sr. Shelley.
Mr. Shelley.
Tom Friend, Sr. Shelley e o Andrew...
Tom Friend, Mr. Shelley and Andrew...
mas estes homens, Friend e Shelley, não confio neles, nem gosto deles.
But it's those men, Friend and Shelley, I don't trust them, I don't like them.
Ouça, eu sei que o Friend fala demais e o Shelley tem más maneiras...
Listen, Friend talks too much, agreed, and Shelley could use a few manners...
Talvez soubessem que a espingarda do Ed estava vazia.
- Bet they knew what you knew about Shelley's gun.
O Shelley morreu de medo.
- Shelley died of his own fear.
- Não, Shelley está morto.
- Listen, Shelley's dead!
Com certeza. Pode usar, Shelley.
Certainly, go right ahead, Shelley.
Espero que tenha um bom Natal, Shelley.
I hope you have a very nice Christmas, Shelley.
A Shelley meteu na cabeça que tenho de me divorciar da Gloria e casar com ela.
Shelley's got an idea I should divorce Gloria and marry her.
Então não tens alternativa se não desistires deste triste negociozinho com a Shelley e voltares para a tua amada esposa e para o seu meio milhão de dólares.
Then you have no alternative but to give up this dreary little business with Shelley and go back to your loving wife and her half million bucks.
Tudo que consegui fazer hoje, foi evitar que a Shelley fosse lá a casa.
It's all I could do tonight to keep Shelley from going out to the house.
Vamos Charlie, começa.
Ok, Shelley let's go.
O Shelley não está lá, ninguém está lá.
that it isn't Shelley, it isn't anybody.

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