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Shing Çeviri İngilizce

75 parallel translation
O chefe de todos é o Lop-eye Shing.
The boss of all the coolies is Lop-eye Shing.
Lop-eye Shing diz que você matou o Chien.
Lop-eye Shing says that you killed Chien.
- Shing trouxe ópio para bordo.
- Shing put opium on board, said it was ours.
Shing, descansa.
Shing, take a rest.
Shing Lung, vou comprar algum vinho.
Shing Lung, I'll go get some wine.
Mas o shing-a-ling é o que está a dar
But theshing-a-ling's the thing tonight
Shing Kwun, mestre do Rei do Leão Dourado... para ajudar o governo Yuen, a destruir a Dinastia Ming... matou toda a família de Tse Shun.
King of Gold Lion's master Shing Kwun in order to help Yuen's Government to destroy Ming Dynasty he killed Tse Shun's whole farmily
Eu, Shing Kwun, estou usando as seis escolas... para destruir seu Culto do Mal.
I, Shing Kwun, am now using the schools to destroy your Evil Sect
Este deve ser Shing Kwun, inimigo do meu avô.
This may be Shing Kwun the foe of my God-father
Se pudermos ir embora... nós o vingaremos, mataremos Shing Kwun.
If we have a chance to get out we'll take revenge for you to kill Shing Kwun
Ele foi muito sábio. Sabia que Shing Kwun não o reverenciaria.
He was really wise he knew Shing Kwun wouldn't bow to him
Hoje, a luta entre o Culto Ming e as seis escolas... foi armada por Shing Kwun, mestre de Tse Shun.
Today, the fight between Ming Sect and the schools is all a trap set by Shing Kwun the master of Tse Shun
Shing Kwun serve a Yuen, quer que matemos uns aos outros.
Shing Kwun serves Yuen he wants us to kill among ourselves
Onde está Shing Kwun agora?
Where is Shing Kwun now?
Se eu lutar com eles... cairei na armadilha de Shing Kwun.
No way, if I duel with them it's being trapped by Shing Kwun
Confiscaram muita coisa aos Woo Shing Woo.
- Yeah. Some heavy busts went down against the Woo Shing Woo.
O nome dela era Lee Shing Mee.
Her name was Lee Shing Mee.
A polícia confirmou que uma das vítimas foi o Sr. Wong Chi-shing.
The police confirmed that one of the victims was superintendent in OCTB Mr. Wong Chi-shing
Chen Wing-yan está agora sepultado ao lado do Sr. Wong Chi-shing.
Chen Wing-yan is now buried next to SP Wong Chi-shing
Equipa B, vigiem a rua Tak Shing.
B Team, watch Tak Shing Street
Uma na rua Tak Shing, e a outra em Austin...
One on Tak Shing Street. One on Austin...
Sou o Inspector Wong Chi Shing.
I'm Inspector Wong Chi Shing
Vivian Shing.
Vivian Shing
Hoje estão concentrados no telhado do centro Shing Mau.
They're at the roof of Shing Mau Center today
O teu amigo, Chan Shing.
The head, Chan Shing.
Jogar um antigo jogo chinês de nome "Shing Hasabu Shing".
Play an old Chinese game called "Shing Hasabu Shing".
Não é nada.
us, it's n'shing.
Deixa-me ser a primeira a dizer "Jin-Ja-Jin, Mitchie".
Let me be the first to say Shing Sha Ji, Mitchie.
De uma lojinha chamada "Jin-Ja-Jin".
A little boutique called Shing Sha Ji.
- P. Sawyer, eu adoro-te, mas sei que o teu dia é de doidos e vou sentir-me melhor se ao menos uma de nós fizer alguma coisa para além de esperar, por isso...
Shing, vai colocar o cabo.
Shing, go set the wire.
Chamo-me Cheung Wing Shing.
My name is Cheung Wing Shing
Cheung Wing Shing.
Cheung... Wing...
Então, quer bater-me todos os dias?
Shing So you want to beat me up every day?
Vou levar a Wing Shing a jantar fora.
I'm taking Wing Shing out for dinner
Anda cá, Wing Shing. Tenho algo para te dizer.
Come over here, Wing Shing, I have something to tell you
Cometeste um grande erro, Wing Shing.
You've made a major mistake, Wing Shing
Então, Ip Man, veio aqui pela Wing Shing?
So you're lp Man, here for Wing Shing?
- Wing Shing!
Dad, don't get mad!
Wing Shing!
Wing Shing!
Aqui foi onde conheci o Shing.
Here's where I met Shing.
O Shing usou as suas garras para os afastar.
Shing used his claws to chase them away.
Depois o Shing casou-se.
Then Shing got married.
"Shing, as tuas garras são tão estranhas, esconde-as!"
"Shing, your claws are so weird, hide them!"
Porque ele sabia que o facto de ele ser o Shing era devido às suas garras.
Because he knew the fact that he was Shing was all due to his claws.
Quando o Shing estava em baixo e no seu pior, acenava com as garras ao mar.
When Shing was down and at his lowest point, he would keep waving his claws at the sea.
Mas, Shing?
- Chi-qué-rri-ma, Corie!
Corie, ra-vi-shing!
Como é que tens lavado as minhas roupas íntimas?
shing my underwear?
- Pai, não se enerve!
Wing Shing!
Shing. Mohawk?

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