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Twizzlers Çeviri İngilizce

42 parallel translation
Rebuçados, Skittles, pastilhas?
Razzles, Skittles, Whatchamcallit, Twizzlers?
Ele até trouxe chocolate.
He brought Twizzlers.
Revistas de banda desenha e Twizzlers.
We got comic books... and Twizzlers.
- Red Vines ou Twizzlers?
Red Vines or Twizzlers?
- Twizzlers, claro.
Twizzlers, of course.
- A Sonya gosta de gomas.
- Sonya likes Twizzlers. - Yeah?
Sr. Simpson, trouxe-lhe os Twizzlers que pediu.
Mr. Simpson, I brought those Twizzlers you asked for.
Warheads a um dólar, Twizzlers a um dólar.
Warheads a dollar, Twizzlers a dollar.
Passe para a faixa direita para entrar na 295 e passe-me os doces.
Get in your right lane for 295. And pass me the Twizzlers.
Eu tive enjoos matinais horríveis com o Matt... e a única coisa que me ajudava... era uma Coca-Cola e um saco de Twizzlers.
I had awful morning sickness with Matt, and the only thing that would make me better was a Coke and a bag of Twizzlers.
Achei que gostavas de Twizzlers porque és magra e querida.
I made you out of Twizzlers'cause you're thin and sweet.
Olhem, fiz guloseimas caseiras!
Look, I made homemade Twizzlers!
Parece que os doces grelhados estão prontos.
Ooh, it looks like the grilled Twizzlers are ready.
A loja Duane Reade do outro lado da rua, onde lhe fui comprar uns chocolates e uma Diet Coke, ainda lá está.
The Duane Reade across the street, where I went in to buy her Twizzlers and a Diet Coke, that's still there.
Olha, twizzlers.
Oh, twizzlers.
Eles têm rebuçados em vez de alcaçuz.
They have Twizzlers instead of Red Vines.
O Liam trabalha num call center para pagar os seus Twizzlers?
So Liam has to get a job in a call centre to pay for his Turkey Twizzlers?
E um pacote de gomas.
And a pack of Twizzlers.
Arranja-me twizzlers, vou telefonar ao Artie para ver o que se passa.
Grab me some twizzlers. I'm gonna call Artie and see what's up.
Sabe, sou mais uma mulher da Twizzler, mas obrigada.
Oh, you know what? I'm more of a Twizzlers gal myself, but thanks.
Ponha aí uns Twizzlers.
Oh, and throw in some Twizzlers.
Olha, não me agrada a ideia de te dar boleia, mas acho que talvez isso equilibre o mau carma pelo pacote de Twizzlers que roubei.
Look, I don't love the idea of giving you a ride, but I'm thinking maybe it will balance out the bad karma for the pack of Twizzlers I just stole.
Sabes... A primeira vez que conheci o meu marido, Jason... Estávamos na tal festa e ele... e disse que queria dançar com a rapariga com muitas tranças.
You know... when I first met my husband, Jason... we were at this party, and he, um... and he said he wanted to dance with a girl who had twizzlers for hair.
- Tem algum doce?
- Yeah, do you have any Twizzlers?
E Tizzlers... não Red Vines.
Twizzlers, not Red Vines.
- Deixa os bombons.
Leave the twizzlers.
Um Notebook, doces.
Just my notebook. Some Twizzlers.
Estás a falar de Twizzlers e assim.
Yeah. You mean like Twizzlers and things? Mmm-hmm.
Snacks de milho, carne seca, pretzels, amendoins, Milk Duds, Twizzlers.
Tortilla chips, beef jerky, pretzels, peanuts, Milk Duds, Twizzlers.
Porque já comi, tipo, US $ 10 em caixas de Twizzlers.
Because I already ate, like, a $ 10 box of Twizzlers.
Quanto tempo demora ir ali à esquina comprar gomas?
♪ White X6, Panda... ♪ How long's it take to go around the corner and get some Twizzlers?
Mandei-o ir buscar gomas, não o raio do Santo Graal.
Told him to go get Twizzlers, not the damn Holy Grail!
Estás à espera da Cookie Lyon?
That better be my Twizzlers. You expecting Cookie Lyon?
- Não são gomas!
These ain't Twizzlers!
- Um pacote de gomas, se tiveres.
Yeah, I'll take some Twizzlers if you got.
- Temos gomas.
Yeah, we have Twizzlers.
Dá-me os teus Twizzlers.
Give me your Twizzlers.
Quando perscrutam a alma um do outro, se alimentam na boca um do outro, inventam nomes fofinhos embaraçosos e nada disto te dá vontade de vomitar em cima dele.
When you stare deep into each other's souls and eat your way through Twizzlers to each other's mouths and make up embarrassingly cute names and none of this makes you want to vomit in his face.
Bem.. Sei o quanto gostas de quebra-cabeças... Como não suportas que as pessoas falem nas apresentações...
Well, I know about your fondness for Twizzlers, how you can't stand it when people talk at the previews, how you like to argue to win, and how you pick your cuticles when you're nervous.

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