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Waverly Çeviri İngilizce

266 parallel translation
O que é isso Edinburgh, Waverly... estamos a avançar.
Hello, what's this? Edinburgh, Waverly. We're getting on.
Estes homens vao para a frente esta noite!
They're moving up tonight, General Waverly.
E pena que o General Waverly nao tenha ca estado para a celebracao. Tinhamos um fim estrondoso para ele.
Certainly too bad General Waverly couldn't have been here for this yuletide clambake because we had a slam-bang finish cooked up for him.
Devemos muito ao General Waverly...
I can only say we owe a lot to General Waverly...
General Waverly!
General Waverly!
General Waverly! Porteiro!
General Waverly... a janitor.
A minha neta, Susan Waverly.
- My granddaughter Susan Waverly.
Tal como o Eddy vos disse, a cancao e para a 1 51a. Divisao. Para os oficiais e soldados sob o comando do General-de-divisao Tom Waverly.
That song is for the 151 st Division... the officers and men under the command of Major General Tom Waverly.
Sincronizem os relogios para a Operacao Waverly.
Synchronize your watches for Operation Waverly.
Agora, Srta. Coterro, está familiarizada com a drogaria Clinton em Waverly?
Now, Miss Coterro, are you familiar with the Clinton Drugstore on Waverly?
Napoleon, o Mr.Waverly pensa que isto lhe pode ser útil.
Napoleon, Mr. Waverly thought this might be of some use to you.
- Fala Gerald Waverly.
- Well, this is Gerald Waverly.
- Com o Sr. Waverly?
- Mr. Waverly?
Vamos esquecer o Sr. Waverly.
So let us forget Mr. Waverly.
- Sr. Waverly?
- Mr. Waverly?
- Sr. Waverly, telefone, por favor.
- Mr. Waverly, please, make your call.
Conhece o Sr. Waverly, senhora?
Do you know Mr. Waverly, madame?
Última chamada para Buckner, Bluffington, Lexington... Waverly, Marshall... e escalas intermediárias.
This is your last call for Buckner, Bluffington, Lexington, Waverly, Marshall and intermediate flights.
Numa casa, em Waverly Place.
In this pad, on Waverly Place.
Mas, no momento, é Waverly.
But, at the moment, it's Waverly.
Como Washington, Wellington, Wadsworth e Waverly. Felix é apenas mais uma pomposa, vazia e desesperada pretensão.
Like Washington, Wellington and Waverly Felix is one more pompous notion, one more hopeless pretence.
- Doris Waverly.
- Doris Waverly. I'm sorry.
Traseiras, 46 Waverly Place.
Back entrance, 46 Waverly Place.
O Sr. Waverly está aqui para falar consigo.
You. Waverly is here to speak with you.
- Monsieur Waverly, bom dia.
- Monsieur Waverly, good morning.
- Um tal Sr. Waverly.
- Such a Mr. Waverly.
Você dispõe de 50 mil libras, Monsieur, Waverly?
You dispose of 50 thousand pounds, Monsieur, Waverly?
O Sr. Waverly, um cliente.
You. Waverly, a client.
O Sr. Waverly recebeu cartas em que ameaçam raptar-lhe o filho.
You. Waverly received letters in what they threaten to kidnap the son.
- Suspeita de alguém, Sr. Waverly?
- It suspects someone, Mr. Waverly?
Sr. Waverly.
Mr. Waverly.
O Sr. Waverly recebeu outra carta.
You. Waverly received another letter.
O Sr. Waverly é um homem de discernimento e inteligência.
You. Waverly is a man of discernment and intelligence.
Falei com a Sra. Waverly sobre isso.
I spoke with you. Waverly on that.
Ele está pronto para ir dormir, Sra. Waverly. Despede-te, Johnnie.
He is ready went to sleep, Mrs. Waverly. dismisses you, Johnnie.
- Este é o famoso Johnnie Waverly.
- This is the famous Johnnie Waverly.
Ninguém raptará o Johnnie Waverly.
Nobody will kidnap the Johnnie Waverly.
- Bonjour, Monsieur Waverly.
- Bonjour, Monsieur Waverly.
Sr. Waverly, peço-lhe que reconsidere.
Mr. Waverly, I ask him to reconsider.
Há ainda muito a dizer, Sr. Waverly.
There is still very much to say it, Mr. Waverly.
- Bom dia, Sr. Waverly.
- Good morning, Mr. Waverly.
Andou a recuperar a mansão de Waverly?
It walked recovering the mansion of Waverly?
Hastings, a restauração de Waverly vai continuar.
Hastings, the restoration of Waverly it is going to continue.
Parece-me que não gosta dos Waverly.
It seems to me that it does not like the Waverly.
Uma garrafa de clorofórmio, algodão, e uma carta endereçada a si, Sr. Waverly.
A bottle of chloroform, cotton, and an addressed letter to you, Mr. Waverly.
O Tredwell esteve com o Sr. Waverly entre as 10 :
The Tredwell was with you. Waverly between them 10 :
- O Sr. Waverly já mo confirmou.
- You. Waverly it already confirmed me.
- O Sr. Waverly é muito correcto.
- You. Waverly is very correct.
E Madame Waverly?
And Lady Waverly?

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