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Wheeler Çeviri İngilizce

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- O Sr. Wheeler deve estar a caminho.
He must be on his way.
John Justice Wheeler.
John Justice Wheeler.
Pedi ao Sr. Wheeler para se juntar a nós.
I've asked Mr. Wheeler to join us on the board.
Então, Sr. Wheeler... O que faz exactamente?
So, Mr. Wheeler, what is it exactly you do do?
Então, Sr. Wheeler, qual é a situação? Estamos na bancarrota ou só falidos?
So, Mr. Wheeler, which is it, are we bankrupt or just failing?
Você é o Pai Natal, Sr. Wheeler.
You are Santa Claus, Mr. Wheeler.
Papá, onde está o John Justice Wheeler?
Daddy, where is John Justice Wheeler?
Parece que somos atropelados por um camião, não é?
It hits you like an 18-wheeler, doesn't it?
- Sr. Wheeler?
- Mr. Wheeler?
Como posso ajudá-lo, Sr. Wheeler?
How can I help you, Mr. Wheeler? Horne.
Não sou só eu, a Sra. Wheeler também viu.
It's not just me. Mrs. Wheeler saw it too.
Olhe, Rusty, a Sra. Wheeler vê um monte de coisas que nunca aparecem, está bem?
Look, Rusty I think Mrs. Wheeler sees a lot of things coming that never arrived, right?
A Sra. Wheeles disse que também viu.
Mrs. Wheeler said she saw it too.
- Sim, tenho a certeza que é importante sra Wheeler.
Yes, I'm sure it is important Mrs. Wheeler.
A sra. Wheeler também.
So is Mrs. Wheeler.
Sim, quero falar com Terence Wheeler.
Yes, get me Terence Wheeler.
o meu transporte é um triciclo.
Besides, mine's a three-wheeler
Sally Wheeler.
Sally Wheeler.
- Sally Wheeler, David Greene.
- Sally Wheeler, David Greene.
- Sally Wheeler.
- Sally Wheeler.
Sr. e Sra. Wheeler.
Mr and Mrs Wheeler.
Aqui o Wheeler, teve o azar de frequentar St. Luke.
- Poor Wheeler attended St Luke's.
Escolham a sobremesa, já que o jantar é por conta do Sr. Wheeler.
Let's have dessert, since dinner is on Mr Wheeler.
- Pode, tenho de falar com a Sally Wheeler.
- Yes, I have to talk to Sally Wheeler.
Assim, a partir das 21 e 03, logo a seguir à sobremesa, são representados pela Wyant, Wheeler. Hellerman. Tetlow Brown.
Therefore, as of 9 : 03 this evening, right after the dessert course, they're now represented by Wyant, Wheeler, Hellerman, Tetlow Brown.
- Foi despedido da Wyant Wheeler.
- I've been fired by Wyant Wheeler.
Quer processar a Wyant, Wheeler, Hellerman. Tetlow Brown?
You want to sue Wyant, Wheeler, Hellerman, Tetlow Brown?
- Charles Wheeler.
- Charleswheeler.
Charles Wheeler.
Os sócios da Wyant Wheeler não sabiam que Andrew Beckett tinha Sida quando o despediram.
The partners at Wyant Wheeler did not know that Andrew Beckett had AIDS when they fired him.
Alguma vez se sentiu discriminada na Wyant Wheeler?
Have you ever felt discriminated against at Wyant Wheeler?
A Lydia, a secretária de Mr. Wheeler, disse que Mr. Wheeler não gostava dos meus brincos.
Mr.wheeler's secretary Lydia said that Mr.wheeler had a problem with my earrings.
Parece que Mr. Wheeler os considerava demasiado "étnicos".
Apparently Mr.wheeler felt that they were too "ethnic".
Parabéns pela seu livre sucesso na Wyant Wheeler.
Congratulations on your unfettered success at Wyant Wheeler.
Pode descrever as circunstâncias da sua admissão na Wyant Wheeler?
Can you describe the circumstances in which you joined Wyant Wheeler?
AWyant Wheeler contratou-me com confiança.
Wyant Wheeler aggressively recruited me.
- Incluindo Charles Wheeler?
- Including Charleswheeler?
Disse alguma vez a Charles Wheeler que era homossexual?
Did you ever tell Charleswheeler you were gay?
Enquanto esteve na Wyant Wheeler escondeu o facto de ser um homossexual activo. Não é assim?
While you were at Wyant Wheeler, you did hide the fact that you were an active homosexual, is that correct?
Mr. Wheeler, sabia que Andrew Beckett tinha Sida. na altura em que abandonou a Wyant Wheeler?
Mr.wheeler, were you aware that Andrew Beckett had AIDS at the time of his departure from Wyant Wheeler?
Obrigada, Mr. Wheeler.
Thank you, Mr.wheeler.
Mr. Wheeler, o senhor é magnífico.
Mr.wheeler, you are magnificent.
- Já analisaste isso tudo?
Wheeler, you dust all that?
É do Kirk. Se alguém se aproxima, ele avança.
( Wheeler ) Anybody comes near it, he decks them.
Smith, Kid Wheler, centro do ringue.
Smith, kid wheeler. Center of the ring.
Tem um monte de farsantes e falsos predicadores tem curandeiros trapaceiros e inclusive tem cantautores.
There are lying wheeler-dealers and preachers with light fingers there are scoundrelly healers and even songwriter-singers.
" Olá, sou o Bob Wheeler, e sou advogado, e o meu amante é cirurgião.
" Hi, I'm Bob Wheeler... and I'm an attorney... and my lover, he's a surgeon.
Logo no meio deste negócio com o Eddie e o pai dele.
And the timing. In the middle of this Wheeler Farm deal with Eddie and his dad.
O projecto da quinta Wheeler.
The Wheeler Farm project. I'm very aware of it.
Estou a leste do pavilhão Wheeler.
I'm on the east side of Wheeler Hall.
Mr. Wheeler. Ms. Conine.
Mr.wheeler, Ms. Conine, even you, Your Honour.

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