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Wieners Çeviri İngilizce

142 parallel translation
Estou cheio dessas salsichas ambulantes!
I have had it with those walking wieners!
"Tem que me devolver as dez salsichas e a vela que lhe emprestei ano passado."
"He owes me ten wieners and the candle that he took from me."
"Sim, acho que o vi junto das salsichas de cocktail."
"Yes, I believe I saw it with the cocktail wieners."
E talvez algumas dessas salsichas que vêm numa lata?
And maybe some of those little wieners that come in a can?
- Tenho algumas salsichas no bolso.
- I got some wieners in my pocket.
Temos bifanas no grelhador.
We got wieners on the grill.
Estas salsichas dar-me-ão a energia de que preciso para fugir!
These wieners will give me the quick energy I need to escape!
Eu dou conta dos dois, seus maricas.
I'll take both of you wieners on.
Não somos queixinhas.
We are not wieners.
Comam neve, seus melgas.
Eat snow, you little wieners.
Porque o Greg não se envenena com salsichas de cocktail e cerveja.
Because Greg doesn't poison his body with cocktail wieners and cheap beer.
"Feito com 100 % de queijo e 50 % de tora."
Mind if I take a few measurements? Don't you wanna try the cocktail wieners? I hear they're good.
Espero que esta festa acabe enquanto ainda estou nos meus 500's.
"If you like cocktail wieners, " you'll love our new cheese log.
Tenho aqui wieners quentes.
I got hotwieners.
Tenho aqui Wieners.
Gotwieners here.
Comi umas quantas nesse dia.
Ho-ho! I ate my share of wieners that day.
Que há muitos babacas hedonistas nesta cidade com muita grana!
There's too many self-indulgent wieners in this city with too much bloody money!
Quero dizer, mostramos os nossos traseiros ou as nossas pilocas?
I mean, do we show'er our... behinds, or-ar our w-wieners?
Ou então ficávamos assim com as pilocas de fora a espreitar por debaixo das pernas. Dávamos-lhe uma bela amostra.
Uh-uh, maybe we could stand like this, with our wieners poking'through the back of our legs, you know, and give'er a nice fruit bowl.
Aparentemente, ele leu a Bíblia inteira e agora está a assustar toda a gente!
I mean, do we show our behinds or our wieners?
Não persigam as nossas crenças religiosas!
With our wieners poking through the back of our legs, y'know, Give her a nice fruit bowl.
Devia ter trazido salsichas.
Should have brought some wieners.
Mostramo-la à junta nacional amanhã de manhã, apanhamos o Spence, voltamos à K.O.K., e desenrolamos de novo a nossas chouriças.
We show it at the national chapter meeting tomorrow morning, we bust Spence's ass, we return to K.O.K., and we roll our wieners back out.
Na realidade, eu gosto de passar o meu tempo na vila Girls Without Wieners. ( Raparigas sem penduricalhos )
Actually, I like to spend most of my time in Girls Without Wieners-ville.
Vejamos, há gelatina e salsichas de cocktail.
- Let's see, there's Jell-o and tiny cocktail wieners.
Achas que os gajos gay se excitam com a própria pila?
Hey, do you think gay dudes get turned on by their own wieners?
Desapareçam, minhas salsichas de cocktail!
Get off my case, little cocktail wieners!
E os Wieners?
What about the Wieners?
Aquela pequenina é a Gretchen Wieners.
And that little one? That's Gretchen Wieners.
Sabe a vida, tudo sobre toda a gente.
Gretchen Wieners knows everybody's business. She knows everything about everyone.
- Temos de caçar a Gretchen Wieners.
We gotta crack Gretchen Wieners.
Ia caçar a Gretchen Wieners com 3.
I was gonna use three candy canes to crack Gretchen Wieners.
Nenhuma para Gretchen Wieners.
And none for Gretchen Wieners. Bye.
A Gretchen Wieners tinha sido caçada.
Gretchen Wieners had cracked.
Gretchen Wieners.
Gretchen Wieners.
Wieners, por que iria a Regina referir-se a ela própria como "pega"?
Miss Wieners, why would Regina refer to herself as a "fugly slut"?
Um bocado para a Gretchen Wieners, uma Rainha parcial da Primavera.
A piece for Gretchen Wieners, a partial Spring Fling Queen.
Os choramingas são chatos.
Whiners are wieners.
E esses batoteiros enegreceram os meus pães de açúcar.
And those cheaters blackened my sugar wieners.
Digo, senhor Meyer.
I mean Mr. Meyer. Love your wieners.
Se o avião parar lá, compro um assador de cachorros quentes para a Catalina.
If this plane stops there, I want to get Catalina one of these hot dog cookers... that cooks the buns and the wieners at the same time.
Sim, são os nossos famosos salsichões de cocktail. Devia experimentar.
Yes, we're famous for out cocktail wieners you should try one?
Aquelas eram as pilas mais pequenas que eu já vi.
Those were the smallest wieners I've ever seen.
O Earl Jr. Só come coisas longas que pode molhar em ketchup. Desde que o Pop's fechou, só há o Winky Dinky Dog.
Well, Earl Jr. only eats long things that he can dip in ketchup... and Winky Dinky Dogs is the only thing around since Pop's Old-Fashioned Wieners closed.
- O Pop's não fechou. - Fechou, sim.
- Pop's Old-Fashioned Wieners didn't close.
Isso porque o Pop's era uma instituição.
That's because Pop's Wieners was an institution.
E as suas estátuas têm pintos!
And your statues have wieners!
"Wieners" ;
Não me consigo lembrar.
Sorbo the Greek here's coming up with all the great story ideas... while you two so-called writers... are sitting there cooking like a couple of ballpark wieners.

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