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Zeiss Çeviri İngilizce

18 parallel translation
O de cabeça apoiada importa câmaras Zeiss do leste.
The guy with his head in his hands imports Zeiss cameras from the East.
Eram as únicas onde podia... ... encaixar as lentes Zeiss grandes.
These were the only cameras where he had a chance of fitting these big Zeiss lenses.
Foi concebida, desenhada e fabricada... ... pela Zeiss, para a NASA.
It originally was designed, developed and manufactured by Zeiss, for NASA.
Zeiss, 20x60, BSGA.
Zeiss, 20x60, BSGA. Forty - five hundred a pop.
Uma Mauser MK38 de longo alcance.
With the Mauser MK 38 With binoculars and spotting scopes, Zeiss 1 : 12.
Isso é um Zeiss dos antigos?
Wow, is that an old Zeiss?
Em 1877, o autor e teólogo Joseph Zeiss, demonstrou que a Grande Pirâmide reside na intersecção da maior linha de latitude e da maior linha de longitude.
In 1887, author and theologian Joseph Zeiss demonstrated that the Great Pyramid is located at the intersection of greater latitude line and the increased line length
Pensei que podias animar-te, então trouxe-te o novo Zeiss A1 Axio com contraste de fase e adaptador digital.
I thought you could use some cheering up, so I bought you a Zeiss A1 Axio with phase contrast and a digital camera adapter.
Coloca as lentes Zeiss ali.
Put the Zeiss lenses over there.
James Miller, Joe Zeiss, Comissão de Valores Mobiliários.
James Miller, Joe Zeiss, Securities and Exchange Commission.
É o Joe Zeiss, o manda chuva de D.C.
It's Joe Zeiss, their top gun out of DC.
O Zeiss roubou o dinheiro, escondeu-o e chantageou o teu pai para assumir a culpa em troca da tua segurança.
Zeiss stole the money, hid it, then blackmailed your father into taking the blame in exchange for your safety.
O Zeiss está numa conveniente viagem de negócios.
Zeiss is on a convenient business trip,
Num lugar onde o Joe Zeiss não pode tentar matar-te de novo.
Somewhere Joe Zeiss can't try to have you killed again.
Sei que o Zeiss levou os 30 milhões e pôs a culpa em ti.
I know Zeiss skimmed the $ 30 million and pinned it on you.
Amanhã, o Joe Zeiss vai ser preso.
Tomorrow, Joe Zeiss is gonna be arrested.
E só pensar que aquele desgraçado do Zeiss estava lá fora a observar-te, que podia magoar-te...
And the thought that that bastard Zeiss was out there watching you, that he might hurt you...
O Zeiss sabe gastar o dinheiro dos outros.
Yeah. Zeiss knows how to spend other people's money.

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