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Translate.vc / Portekizce → Rusça / Crawling

Crawling Çeviri Rusça

4 parallel translation
# I see the lion Crawling over your bed # And if you stay He'll make you walk in your bed
* Я вижу льва Ползающего по твоей кровати * и если ты останешься Он завалит тебя на свою кровать
A cidade está repleta deles.
Town's crawling with them.
Se sentir alguma coisa a rastejar em si não grite, sacuda a parte do corpo calmamente.
If you feel something crawling on you don't scream, just shake the body part lightly.
Espero que esteja nos teus braços nas próximas semanas, quando for solto.
I expect he'll be crawling into your arms in the next couple of weeks when he's released.

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