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Translate.vc / Portekizce → Rusça / Filled

Filled Çeviri Rusça

7 parallel translation
My mother filled my father's shoes com graça e dignidade e governada com a mesma mão justa com que tinha sido governada antes.
Моя мать заполнила ботинки моего отца с изяществом и достоинством и управляет той же самой справедливой рукой, что он управлял.
She ran to me with tear-filled eyes
Она выбежала ко мне с глазами полными слез
O abdómen está cheio de sangue.
His abdomen's filled with blood.
Os homens levam muito mais tempo a tornarem-se adultos funcionais e o caminho para lá chegar é cheio de parvoeira.
I mean, guys just take so much longer to evolve into functional adults. And the road to get there is filled with douche stops.
Sabe que não pode divulgar-lhe o conteúdo dessa gravação.
♪'Cause I was filled ♪ Ты же знаешь, что не сможешь включить ей эту запись.
♪ Filled with indolence and sounds ♪
♪ Filled with indolence and sounds ♪
Even though the night is filled with voices,
* Хоть сейчас и ночь *

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