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Translate.vc / Portekizce → Rusça / Holds

Holds Çeviri Rusça

6 parallel translation
"Um amor como o nosso é verdadeiro e real Como um lírio agarra o orvalho matinal"
" Love like ours is real and true As a lily holds the morning dew
When she holds their hands, her lovers die smiling.
Когда она протягивает руку, влюбленные умирают, улыбаясь.
Então o álibi da Rhonda sustenta-se?
So Rhonda's alibi holds?
Já vi esse marcador e sei exactamente como ele é.
I do. I've seen that marker, and I know exactly what holds it.
E agora o Hornigold tem 80.
And now Hornigold holds 80 of them.
A caminho.
Revenge against people he holds responsible?

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