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Holes Çeviri Rusça

6 parallel translation
And kick holes in the ground'cause my style's
Способных сотрясать землю Мой стиль,
18 buracos, de pura tortura.
18 holes of pure torture.
Essa caneca foi uma prenda do pessoal da "Turma de Buracos".
Эй, это была подарочная кружка от "Class Holes".
# Cos Stag put four holes
# Cos Stag put four holes
1x15 - "Fireballs and Bullet Holes" Tradução :
1х15 - Конфеты и дырки от пуль.
Está tudo dependente daquele ouro, e neste momento está num forte sem canhões e cheio de buracos.
Everything is dependent upon that gold, and right now it is sitting in a fort with no guns and full of holes.

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