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Husband Çeviri Rusça

45 parallel translation
Só preciso de me certificar que o problema... não sou eu.
My husband won't have sex with me. I just need to make sure it's not... me.
Fazer de marido dela quando mais ela precisou.
Playing the role of her husband Burt when she really needed it.
O meu marido contrataria um assassino barato.
My husband would hire a discount hitman.
Então a assistente agendou isso, significa que era pessoal e o marido não sabia.
So her assistant didn't schedule these, Which means it was personal, And her husband didn't know about them either.
Exactamente, marido e assistente disseram que, ao voltar dessas reuniões, ficava chateada.
Exactly, and her husband and assistant both say that When she came back from these appointments, she was upset.
Coisas do marido.
Her husband's stuff.
- Não pode ser o marido.
It can't be the husband.
Diva destruidora de lares num tórrido caso com o marido da vítima.
Home-wrecking diva engaged in a torrid affair With the victim's husband.
Tão boa que teve um caso de amor com o director, o marido da Sarah.
So hot, in fact, it led to a torrid affair With Sarah's director husband.
Houve um episódio quando descobriram que Gabriela dormia com o marido da irmã gémea do mal, Teresita, e então descobre que tinha múltiplas personalidades.
Bro, there was this one episode where Gabriela discovered that Her husband was sleeping with her evil twin sister Teresita, Only to later find out that she had
Ela escreveu estas páginas na noite em que foi assassinada, quando você estava com o seu marido.
She wrote those particular pages the night that she was murdered While you were with her husband.
- Quem escreve bilhetes melosos?
Who writes notes this cheesy? Well, not the husband.
A Sarah estava separada do marido Vince, e após longos dias de trabalho, ela voltava para um apartamento vazio e frio.
Sarah was separated from her husband Vince, and after long, grueling days at work, she'd go home to a cold, empty apartment.
E decide que quer o seu marido de volta, então tira-lhe a amante, Mandy Bronson, do programa, para salvar o seu casamento.
In the arms of this mystery man... and she decides that she wants her husband back, So she writes his mistress, Mandy Bronson, off the show, in order to save their marriage.
Uma conversa amigável onde ela lhe disse que ia voltar para o marido.
A friendly conversation in which she told you She was going to go back to her husband.
Talvez... fosse o marido traidor.
Maybe... Maybe it was her cheating husband.
O contabilista forense não percebeu que a Barb e o marido tinham uma conta conjunta.
Uh, the forensic accountant did note that, uh, Barb and her husband have a joint credit card.
A tua mãe e o teu ex-marido também estão bons.
Um, your mom and ex-husband, they're- - they're also doing great.
Wemma... I now pronounce you husband and wife. Pronuncio-vos marido e mulher.
Уэмма... я объявляю вас мужем и женой.
Veio sozinha, sem o seu marido.
You came alone. Without your husband.
K, volta com o meu marido!
No. Hey, come back with my husband!
Podia surpreender o meu marido nalgum sábado, no Imperial.
Then I'd have something to dazzle my husband with some Saturday night at the Imperial.
Ouvi a voz do meu marido no telefone.
I heard my husband's voice on the phone.
A Tenente Daniels precisa do marido, e nós de respostas.
Lieutenant Daniels needs her husband, and we need answers. In the meantime,
Se o marido não aparecer vivo, o luto vai ser dez vezes maior.
Her husband doesn't turn up alive grief's gonna be ten times worse.
Harold, acho que ainda não conhece o Tom, o marido da Sybil.
Harold, I don't believeyou've met Tom, Sybil's husband.
- Sei que qualquer mulher, seja quem for, teria sorte de o ter como marido.
I know that any woman, no matter who she was, would be lucky to claim youas her husband.
Enfim, eles eram jovens amantes, assim como estes dois, queriam o dinheiro do marido, e depois tirá-lo do caminho.
Anyway, they were young lovers, just like these two, and they wanted the rich husband's money and him out of the way.
E aposto, que enquanto eles estão fora, o marido vai sofrer um acidente terrível nas mãos do Sr. Kaiser, um homem com quem não tem nenhuma ligação.
And I'm betting that while they're away, her husband's going to have a terrible accident at the hands of Mr. Kaiser here, a man with whom he has no connection.
Deixa-me adivinhar, o teu marido saiu para ir correr.
Let me guess, your husband's out on a jog.
Eu sei que pareço tipo uma esposa abusada, mas o meu marido quer-me bem.
( Panting ) : I know I sound like an abused wife, but my husband means well.
Foi ter com o marido a casa.
She went home to her husband.
Ele é meu marido.
He is my husband.
Mitchell, aceitas Cameron como teu esposo?
Mitchell, do you take Cameron to be your husband?
E a Elena assumiria a culpa por um marido que a traiu?
And Elena was willing to take the fall for a husband who cheated on her?
- Como ousa falar assim com o meu marido!
How dare you speak to my husband like that!
Quando estive aqui, o seu marido estava devastado com a Silvie, mas, você estava calma.
The last time I was here, your husband was pretty broken up about Silvie, but you were calm.
Você e o seu marido iriam para a cadeia, mas, os seus filhos ficariam em liberdade condicional.
You and your husband would go to jail, but your sons could get probation.
A Elena percebeu que era a única forma de proteger o marido e a ONG, então, alinhou.
Elena realized it was the only way to protect her husband and the charity, so she went along with it.
Dá uma olhadela no marido. Estrela de filmes de acção.
Take a look at her husband.
O filho da Penny-Husband Bosworth vende o seu esperma na internet.
Сын Пенни Хазбенд-Босворт продает сперму по интернету!
O meu marido está a ter um ataque de coração!
My husband's having a heart attack!
A Central não para de pressionar-me para controlar a imprensa e agora o meu marido é o rosto da investigação.
1PP has been on my ass about keeping media under control, and now my husband is the face of the investigation.
- De certeza que ele não o conhecia?
And you're sure your husband didn't know him?
DEVIOUS MAIDS [ S02E01 - "An Ideal Husband" ]
Коварные горничные 2 сезон 1 серия

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