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Likely Çeviri Rusça

8 parallel translation
Dada a insuficiência hepática, carência de fatores de coagulação, as enzimas e as vitaminas são as mais prováveis.
Given the liver failure, a deficiency of clotting factors, enzymes, or vitamins are the most likely. So let's find out.
Ele deu-me exatamente cinco minutos. Depois tenciona convocar o conselho para que o Randall conte a sua história. Depois disso, as nossas mãos ficam limpas e tu, provavelmente, estarás morto.
He's given me exactly five minutes, at which point he intends to call council so Randall can share his story, after which our hands are clean and you are most likely, well, dead.
Neste preciso momento, é tão provável que tu morras quanto eu.
Right now at this moment, it is just as likely you're the one that dies as I am.
Então, o assassino também estava a encarar a vítima.
And likely struggling with her. Which means the killer was also facing the victim.
A Georgia Grace já não exibirá nenhum sinal externo de ter sofrido um acidente.
But a month has gone by. It's not likely Georgia Grace would exhibit any outward signs of having been in an accident.
More than likely.
Скорее всего.
Não ocorreu a ninguém que se o Jack não conseguir persuadir os homens a repararem o forte, que é muito menos provável que consiga persuadi-los a defendê-lo?
Has it not occurred to anyone that if Jack has not been able to persuade men to repair the fort, it is even less likely he will be able to persuade them to defend it?
Sou o Bob Likely.
Я Боб Лайкли.

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