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Pushing Çeviri Rusça

14 parallel translation
Ou estamos a pedir demais?
Or are we pushing too hard?
- Se me disseres o nome de quem anda a traficar em San Joaquin, nós ligamos o crime ao Cartel, e deixamos o SAMCRO fora disto.
You tell me who's pushing it out in Sanwa. We connect the cartel, leave SAMCRO out of it.
O Jody tem-me empurrado para novos níveis.
Jody is pushing me to new levels.
# You've got to just keep on pushing
# You've got to just keep on pushing
# Keep on pushing
# Keep on pushing
# You've gotta just keep on pushing
# You've gotta just keep on pushing
Não vi ninguém, mas senti alguém a empurrar-me para debaixo de água.
I didn't see anyone, but I could feel someone pushing me under the water. I'd blame it on the spirit of Bill Forbes, но я не думаю, что ты его тип. Ok.
Eu queria o espargo, para não perder a coisa fálica.
But I was pushing for the asparagus, so... so I wouldn't lose the phallic thing.

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