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Scale Çeviri Rusça

5 parallel translation
- O meu rabo... numa escala de 1 a 10.
Sorry? My ass- - on a scale from one to ten.
Queres dizer que o camião teria passado por elas ainda com a vítima.
You're saying the truck would've crossed over the scale while dragging the victim.
Há um camião do Mercado Campos que passou pela balança a pesar 55 kg a mais do que no posto de pesagem.
Uh, there's a truck that belongs to Fields Market that drove over the scale weighing 122 pounds more than it did at the weigh station.
- "The Altered Scale".
"Альтерированный лад"
- Essa é a nossa campainha.
[Ufo-like five-tone scale plays] - Это наш звонок.

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