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Translate.vc / Portekizce → Rusça / Violence

Violence Çeviri Rusça

21 parallel translation
A violência é a única resposta.
Violence is the only answer.
Disseste-me que a fraqueza do JT iria trazer violência para Charming.
You told me JT's weakness was gonna bring violence to Charming.
Sorte a tua eu detestar violência.
You're lucky I hate violence, man. Really? I love it.
Ela construiu este cenário elaborado para perpetuar a violência a si mesma.
She constructs all these elaborate scenarios to perpetuate violence against herself.
- S13E06 The 2000-Year-Old Virgin
♪ Is violence in movies and sex on TV ♪
- S13E09 This Little Piggy
♪ Is violence in movies and sex on TV ♪
- S14E04 Peternormal Activity
♪ Is violence in movies and sex on TV ♪
- S14E01 Pilling Them Softly
♪ Is violence in movies and sex on TV ♪
- S14E02 Papa Has a Rollin'Son
♪ Is violence in movies and sex on TV ♪
- S14E05 Peter, Chris Brian
♪ Is violence in movies and sex on TV ♪
- S14E09 A Shot in the Dark
♪ Is violence in movies and sex on TV ♪
- S14E06 Peter's Sister
♪ Is violence in movies and sex on TV ♪
- S14E07 Hot Pocket-Dial
♪ Is violence in movies and sex on TV ♪
Posso sair desta luta se apenas assinar o meu nome sob um juramento de nunca mais fazer violência.
I can walk away from this fight if I just sign my name beneath a solemn oath never again to do violence against it.
Eu farei grande violência contra essa tal coisa.
I will do great violence against that thing.
Não é a violência.
It isn't the violence.
Hunters S01E04 - Love and Violence -
"Охотники" 1 сезон, 4 серия "Любовь и насилие"
Supernatural S04E14 "Sex and Violence"
A violência não é a resposta.
Violence isn't the answer.
- S14E03 Guy Robot
♪ Is violence in movies and sex on TV ♪
- S14E08 Brokeback Swanson
♪ Is violence in movies and sex on TV ♪

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