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Returned Çeviri Türkçe

24 parallel translation
Quando regressou a Trill, pediu-me que fosse com ele.
When he returned to Trill, I went with him.
O meu desejo de ter sexo com uma prostituta tinha voltado.
And before I knew it, my desire to have sex with a prostitute had returned.
I have returned!
- The Returned -... Tec Subs...
Çeviri : trigger1 İyi seyirler...
O vosso marido e pai do vosso filho regressou vivo a casa.
* Your husband and the father of your child has returned home alive.
Estou muito feliz com o regresso de Aethelwulf.
* I am very happy Aethelwulf has returned.
Anteriormente em The Returned
The Returned'ın önceki bölümlerinde...
The Returned S01E10
The Returned 1. Sezon, 10.
The Returned S01E03 - Julie - Traduzido por :
The Returned Sezon 1, Bölüm 3 Julie
Anteriormente em The Returned :
The Returned'ın önceki bölümlerinde...
The Returned S01E08
The Returned 1. Sezon, 8.
The Returned S01E03
The Returned S1
The Returned S01E04
The Returned Sezon 1, Bölüm 4 Victor
The Returned S01E05 - Tony and Adam -
The Returned Sezon 1, Bölüm 5 Tony and Adam
The Returned S01E06
The Returned 1. Sezon, 6.
The Returned S01E07
Sezon, 7. Bölüm Rowan
Regressámos para sarar na paz das Terras Altas da Escócia.
CLAIRE : We returned to heal in the peace of the Scottish Highlands.

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