Ашк Çeviri İngilizce
109 parallel translation
мебепнърмн, мн онаец ашк янбепьем япедэ аекю дмъ.
Strangely, this escape took place in broad daylight.
ъ мювюкю гюмхлюрэяъ теурнбюмхел ю нм ашк лнхл рпемепнл.
I went fencing, and he happened to be my fencing master.
нм ашк нвемэ яонйнимшл х днапнфекюрекэмшл йн бяел.
He was very much at peace with himself and also with the people around him.
рнцдю ъ опхянедхмхкяъ й нябнандхрекъл... х онксвхк нпсфхе. х ашк мюопюбкем мю насвемхе ецн хяонкэгнбюмхъ.
So I joined the liberation movement and was given a gun and trained to use it.
боепбше б фхгмх ъ онвсбярбнбюк бднумнбемхе, врн ъ ярюмнбхкяъ мюярнъыхл оюкеярхмжел... врн ъ ашк ме опнярн фюкйхл аефемжел... мн пебнкчжхнмепнл, анпжнл гю ябне декн.
For the first time in my life I felt inspired, I felt truly Palestinian that I wasn't just a wretched refugee but a revolutionary fighting for a cause.
вепег 27 кер оняке нйнмвюмхъ бнимш, лчмуем ашк хдеюкэмни бнглнфмнярэч онйюгюрэ лхпс мнбне, делнйпюрхвеяйне кхжн цеплюмхх.
Twenty-seven years after the end of the war... Munich was the ideal opportunity to show the world the new democratic face of Germany.
нм ашк едхмярбеммшл, йрн нярюкяъ фхб.
He was the only one who survived.
вепег 36 кер оняке нкхлохюдш мюжхярнб, дюуюс, оепбши йнмжемрпюжхнммши кюцепэ, ашк бшапюм леярнл дкъ нкхлохияйнцн лелнпхюкэмнцн яепбхяю.
Thirty-six years after the Nazi Olympics... Dachau, the first of the concentration camps, was chosen as the site for an Olympic memorial service.
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] мю якедсчыее српн, б 10 вюянб нм днкфем ашк сегфюрэ онегднл мюгюд, б лчмуем.
The next morning at 10 : 00, he had to take the train to Munich.
нм ашк щмепцхвмн юрюйнбюм х опхлемхк ябне нпсфхе дпсцхе свюярмхйх мюьеи цпсоош гюоюмхйнбюкх х мювюкх ярпекърэ б хгпюхкэръм.
He was attacked full force and his weapon was taken. Another member of our group panicked and shot the Israeli.
мн ашк гюярпекем.
He was shot and killed.
ъ сякшьюк бшярпекш х онднь ╗ к й нймс, х рср дн лемъ днькн, врн лнье беимаепцеп ашк бшапньем вепег дбепэ мю рпнрсюп.
I heard some shots, so I walked up to the window and then I realized Moshe Weinberger has been thrown out of the door to the pavement.
нм ашк юаянкчрмн цнкшл.
He was naked, without anything on him.
бя ╗ ецн рекн ашкн пюгпсьемн, врн нгмювюкн, врн нм ашк гюярпекем хг юбрнлюрю, ю ме хг охярнкерю хкх бхмрнбйх.
That body was smashed which means he was killed by a machine gun not by a regular gun.
нмх яйюгюкх : " ашк сахр ндхм хг хгпюхкэръм, рпемеп анйя ╗ пнб.
They killed one of the Israelis, and they say it was the boxing coach. "
еярэ дебърэ гюкнфмхйнб мхйрн ме лнц лме яйюгюрэ, еярэ кх япедх мху юмдпе, ашк кх нм ндмхл хг гюкнфмхйнб, хкх яслек яйпшрэяъ.
There are nine hostages. Nobody could tell me if Andre was a part of this if he was one of the hostages, if he escaped.
щрн ашк хяяю, опедярюбхрекэ реппнпхярнб.
He was Issa, the terrorists'spokesman.
нм ашк нвемэ ункндем х пеьхрекем.... реппнпхярш оепедюкх онкхжхх ябн ╗ гюъбкемхе, б йнрнпнл нмх онрпеанбюкх нябнанфдемхъ анкее 200 гюйкчвеммшу хг рчпел б хгпюхке, цеплюмхх, х дпсцху ярпюмюу.
He was very cool and very determined clearly fanatical in his convictions. The terrorists handed a communique to the police. In it they demanded the release of more than 200 revolutionary prisoners from jails in Israel, Germany and elsewhere.
рюй врн ъ днкфем ашк нрмеярхяэ й щрнлс яепэ ╗ гмн.
Walther Tröger Mayor of Olympic Village... So I had to take it seriously.
рнмс, брнпни он ярюпьхмярбс, нашвмн ашк бхдем б нйме брнпнцн щрюфю, б йнбанияйни ькъое ;
Tony, second in command, usually at the first floor window wearing a cowboy hat.
б рн бпелъ ъ ашк онлнымхйнл лхмхярпю цемьепю.
At this time I was the aide-de-camp of Minister Genscher.
х лхмхярп ашк, йнмевмн фе, б ьнйе.
And the minister was shocked, of course.
лни дпсц ашк вкемнл юпюаяйнцн янапюмхъ, х нм рнфе опхеуюк опхмърэ свюярхе б оепецнбнпюу.
A friend of mine was a member of the Arab Council and he also came to negotiate.
нм ме ашк феярнйхл, х ъ аш дюфе онбепхк елс мю якнбн.
He was not violent. I would have even trusted him in his word.
[бЕДСЫХИ] люпй яохрж, гбегдю юлепхйюмяйнцн окюбюмхъ, йнрнпши бшхцпюк 7 гнкнршу ледюкеи мю щрни нкхлохюде, ашк бгър онд яепэ ╗ гмсч нупюмс япюгс фе оняке рнцн, йюй пюгбепмскюяэ щрю дпюлю.
Mark Spitz, the American swimming star who won seven gold medals at this Olympiad was placed under heavy guard shortly after the drama unfurled.
асйбюкэмн вепег меяйнкэйн вюянб нм ашк нропюбкем б яью мю яюлнк ╗ ре.
Within hours, Spitz was hustled out of Germany on a plane bound for home.
нкхлохияйхи йнлхрер б рн бпелъ ашк нвемэ мюдлеммшл.
The Olympic Committee at that time was very arrogant.
ъ бяе бпелъ нупюмък ямюпсфх мн яосяръ мейнрнпне бпелъ ъ ашк нябнанфдем х бньек б йнлмюрс цде яндепфюкхяэ хгпюхкэръме.
I spent my time standing guard outside. But after some time I was relieved and I went into the room where the Israelis were being held.
[сКЭПХУ бЕЦЕМЕП] онянк хгпюхкъ мюакчдюк блеяре ян лмни, врн опнхяундхр, х ашк нвемэ меднбнкем.
The Israeli ambassador was watching, together with me what was going on, and he was not very happy about this.
б рн бпелъ ъ ашк цкюбни лняяюдю.
At the time, I was the head of the Mossad.
щрн ашк яйсо дкъ лмнцху рекеярюмжхи х цюгер бн бя ╗ л лхпе.
It was a great story to many television stations and media around the world.
щрн ашк онякедмхи пюг, йнцдю ъ бхдекю ецн.
That was the last time, really, that I saw him.
х лш онькх. бхд ашк сфюямши, ъ днкфем яйюгюрэ.
Then it's me. " So we went up there and it was a terrible impression, I must say.
ндхм гюкнфмхй ашк опхбъгюм й йпеякс, ю дпсцхе ашкх опхбъгюмш дпсц й дпсцс.
One was bound to one chair and the others were on the two sides tied together.
[бЮКЭРЕП рПНЦЕП] гюрел с мюя ашк пюгцнбнп, х щрнр пюгцнбнп... ашк йюй аш онд... онд онйпнбнл, л-л-л, нвемэ ондюбкеммнцн мюярпнемхъ гюкнфмхйнб.
Then we had a discussion and the discussion was absolutely covered by the very depressed mood of the hostages.
онгфе лш намюпсфхкх, врн б йюфдни йнлмюре яонпрялемнб ашк рекебхгнп... х реппнпхярш лнцкх... мюакчдюрэ гю мюлх мю щйпюме.
Later we discovered that there was a TVin every athlete's room and the terrorists had been able to watch us preparing live on screen.
окюм онкхжхх ашк б хяонкэгнбюмхх ондярюбмнцн анхмцю-727, йнрнпши нмх окюмхпнбюкх нярюбхрэ мю бгк ╗ рмни онкняе я пюанрючыхл дбхцюрекел.
The police plan revolved around a decoy Boeing 727 which was to be left on the runway with its engine idling.
бя ╗ нябеыемхе рюл бйкчвемн, мю нкхлохияйнл ярюдхнме, йнрнпши сфе анкее медекх, ашк леярнл яонйниярбхъ х дпсфекчахъ, нкхлохияйюъ депебмъ, меялнрпъ мю мейнрнпши онкхрхвеяйхи йпхгхя, ашкю явюяркхбшл леярнл... х яецндмъ ашкю юаянкчрмн онрпъяемю щрни рпюцедхеи,
All the lights on in this Olympic site an Olympic site which for more than a week now has been a place of serenity and comradeship an Olympic village which, in spite of some political crisis, has been happy and now today has been absolutely shattered by this tragedy.
брнпни ямюиоеп ашк анкее сдювкхб, яслеб ръфекн пюмхрэ гюлеярхрекъ хяяш.
Sniper Two was more successful, seriously wounding Issa's deputy.
б щрн бпелъ, онкхжеияйхи, ярнъыхи с нймю б аюьме, ашк сахр яксвюимни оскеи б цнкнбс.
Meanwhile, a policeman standing by a window inside the tower was killed when a stray bullet struck him in the head.
ъ хлеч б бхдс, ъ янлмебючяэ, врн щрн ашкх мюярнъыхе ямюиоепш, ясдъ он рнлс, врн ъ якшьюк, ндхм ашк мю йпшье, медюкейн нр мюя.
I can tell you that I doubt whether the snipers were really snipers according to what I listened to. One was lying on the roof not far away from us.
кхдеп ноърэ бяйнвхк мю мнцх х нрйпшк ярпекэас... мн ецн гюлеярхрекэ ашк ръфекн пюмем.
The leader was now on his feet again and shooting but his deputy was seriously wounded.
ъ ондонкг й мелс х ашк пюмем б псйс.
I crawled over to him and was hit in the hand.
ху нрбер ашк нвемэ онмърмшл.
Their reply was clear, very clear.
бепрнк ╗ р ашк гюопюбкем цнпчвхл, х б ревемхе лхмсрш х бепрнк ╗ р, х бя ╗ бнйпсц... гюошкюкн нцм ╗ л.
The helicopter was refueled and within minutes the helicopter and the area around it was in fire.
йнцдю ъ ашк пеа ╗ мйнл, лни нреж цнбнпхк :
When I was a kid, my father used to say...
яосяръ 7 медекэ... яюлнк ╗ р йнлоюмхх "кчтрцюмгю", керъыхи хг аеипсрю бн тпюмйтспр, ашк гюубювем реппнпхярюлх.
Seven weeks later, a Lufthansa jet en route from Beirut to Frankfurt was hijacked.
нм ашк рпемепнл к ╗ цйнюркернб.
He was the athletics coach.
нм ашк рпемепнл ярпекйнб.
He was the shooting coach.
щкхщгеп уюктхм ашк анпжнл. анпжнл ашк х люпй якюбхм, йнрнпнлс ашкн рнкэйн 18 кер.
Eliezer Halfin was a wrestler and so was Mark Slavin, who I think was only 18 years old.
нмх цнбнпър : "н, бш гмюере, йнцдю ъ ашк люкемэйхл, ъ бняухыюкяъ бюьхл нржнл, нм ашк рюйхл х рюйхл".
I admired your father, and he was like this and that. "