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Йнцн Çeviri İngilizce

47 parallel translation
дкъ лмнцху цняреи, лчмуем - нкхжербнпемхе мележйнцн пюъ.
For many visitors, Munich is a kind of German paradise.
йнцдю ъ ярюк бгпнякшл, ъ ондслюк, врн ме асдер мхйюйнцн асдсыецн дкъ мюя еякх лш ме бнгбпюрхляъ б оюкеярхмс еякх лш ме бнгбпюрхляъ, ъ пюярпювс бяч лнч фхгмэ... йюй аефемеж кхьеммши бяеу опюб векнбейю.
When I was growing up, I thought there was no future for us unless we returned to Palestine. If we didn't return, I would spend my whole life as a refugee deprived of any kind of human rights.
с реаъ б псйюу нпсфхе х рш янахпюеьэяъ йнцн-рн юрюйнбюрэ.
You have a weapon in your hand. You're going to attack somebody.
вепег 36 кер оняке нкхлохюдш мюжхярнб, дюуюс, оепбши йнмжемрпюжхнммши кюцепэ, ашк бшапюм леярнл дкъ нкхлохияйнцн лелнпхюкэмнцн яепбхяю.
Thirty-six years after the Nazi Olympics... Dachau, the first of the concentration camps, was chosen as the site for an Olympic memorial service.
дюуюс мюундхряъ бяецн б 10 йл нр нкхлохияйнцн ярюдхнмю.
Dachau is just six miles from the Munich stadium.
яеивюя нмх мюопюбхкхяэ опълн б пюяонкнфемхе лсфяйнцн нрдекемхъ хгпюхкэяйни йнлюмдш.
Now they headed straight for the Israeli men's quarters.
йнцдю ъ опхашк мю леярн, ъ бярперхк лнкндсч фемыхмс - онкхжеияйнцн нтхжепю... йнрнпюъ пюгцнбюпхбюкю я векнбейнл, ндершл б аекши йнярчл.
When I arrived on the scene, I met a young female police officer who was talking to a man dressed in a white suit.
люпй якюбхм, 18 кер, анпеж йкюяяхвеяйнцн ярхкъ.
Mark Slavin is 18 years old, a Greco-Roman wrestler.
деиярбсъ нр хлемх йюй тедепюкэмнцн рюй х аюбюпяйнцн опюбхрекэярб... ъ опедкнфхк реппнпхярюл менцпюмхвеммсч ясллс демец... б налем мю гюкнфмхйнб.
Acting on behalf of both the Federal and Bavarian governments... I offered the terrorists an unlimited sum of money in exchange for the hostages. This offer was rejected.
лни дпсц ашк вкемнл юпюаяйнцн янапюмхъ, х нм рнфе опхеуюк опхмърэ свюярхе б оепецнбнпюу.
A friend of mine was a member of the Arab Council and he also came to negotiate.
[бЕДСЫХИ] люпй яохрж, гбегдю юлепхйюмяйнцн окюбюмхъ, йнрнпши бшхцпюк 7 гнкнршу ледюкеи мю щрни нкхлохюде, ашк бгър онд яепэ ╗ гмсч нупюмс япюгс фе оняке рнцн, йюй пюгбепмскюяэ щрю дпюлю.
Mark Spitz, the American swimming star who won seven gold medals at this Olympiad was placed under heavy guard shortly after the drama unfurled.
мн онъбхкняэ рюйфе пюярсыее всбярбн мецнднбюмхъ, мюопюбкеммне опнрхб лефдсмюпндмнцн нкхлохияйнцн йнлхрерю... гю нрйюг опхнярюмнбхрэ нкхлохияйхе хцпш б ябере рнцн, врн опнхгнькн.
But as the day progressed, there was also a growing sense of anger directed at the International Olympic Committee for refusing to halt the Games in the light of what had happened.
бхккх дюсл, цкюбю нкхлохияйнцн нпцйнлхрерю, гюъбхк, врн нкхлохияйхе хцпш асдср опнднкфемш.
Willi Daume, head of the Olympic Organizing Committee has announced that the Olympics will go on.
ръфекн пюмхб нанху. [юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] б онкмнвэ ашкн нтхжхюкэмн назъбкемн... опедярюбхрекел цеплюмяйнцн опюбхрекэярбю, йнрнпши гюъбхк,
Both were seriously wounded. At midnight came the official announcement of the spokesman of the German government who said all the Israelis are saved and all the terrorists are dead.
[юКЕЙЯ яОПХМЦЕП] яняед гюьек й мюл я асршкйни ьюлоюмяйнцн х лш бяе ашкх нвемэ пюдш... х явюяркхбш, х - ъ дслюч, врн ъ к ╗ ц яоюрэ.
A neighbor came to us with this bottle of champagne... Alex Springer and we all was very glad and happy and I think that I went to sleep.
онвелс мю анпрс рюйнцн анкэьнцн яюлнк ╗ рю ашкн рнкэйн 12 оюяяюфхпнб?
Why were only 12 passengers on board such a large plane?
ъ мхйнцдю аш рюйнцн ме ядекюкю.
I could never have done that.
ъ пеоерхпнбюк дкъ ьбедяйнцн щйоепхлемрюкэмнцн йпсфйю, еярэ рюйюъ реюрпюкэмюъ ярсдхъ...
I take Swedish experimental class theater. I mean theater class. Experimental porn?
- мер, ьбедяйнцн. мс дю, ьбедяйнцн.
- It's Swedish. - Is it?
б фхгмх рюйнцн ме бхдек.
- You're telling me? - Come on...
оюпмх, йюйнцн вепрю!
Shit! Get moving, guys!
онбепэре мюл, йюйнцн вепрю! цкюбмне - ме дюбюире елс гбнмхрэ!
- Don't let him make any calls!
нр цепжнцю нпкеюмяйнцн дн ляэе хкх людюл рюпрюмохнм, х рюй дюкее. реоепэ онидел дюкэье.
From the Duc d'Orléans to Mr. and Mrs. What's-his-name... Let's move forward.
мхйнцн ме бхфс.
I didn't see him.
ме гмюч рюйнцн.
Don't know it.
мю рнцн фе... мю йнцн х рш... дфей.
For the same man as you Jack.
сбнкэ бяеу яксц, х мхйнцн ме мюмхлюи.
Fire the servants and don't hire anyone.
- мх мю йнцн нмю ме онунфю.
- She doesn't remind you of anybody!
мювмх я гюянбэ ╡ бюмхъ яюлнцн люкемэйнцн.
Start by inserting the smallest one.
нмю йнцн-рн лме мюонлхмюер.
She reminds me of someone.
бяе фемыхмэ ╡, йнрнпэ ╡ у ъ ноепхпнбюк, йнцн-мхасдэ реае мюонлхмюкх.
All the women I've operated on end up reminding you of someone.
Who am I kidding?
вецн рюйнцн нянаеммнцн б щрху яелемюу?
You ask a lot of questions, Morty.
мс, йрн-рн днкфем щрн ядекюрэ, лнпрх. щрх яелемю ме опнидср рюлнфмч, онйю нмх ме с йнцн-мхасдэ б опълни йхьйе, лнпрх.
Th-these seeds aren't gonna get through customs unless they're in someone's rectum, Morty.
"явюяркхбнцн ебпеияйнцн мнбнцн цндю" бяел... апюрэъл, деръл нвемэ лмнцн кчдеи, йнрнпшу ъ бярпевюч мю скхже хкх мю пюанре, йнцдю нмх сгмючр, врн ъ днвэ... хняхтю пнлюмн, хг лчмуемю,
A lot of people I meet in the street or at work... Schlomit Romano when they hear about me being the daughter ofJosef Romano from München they say, " Oh, you know, when I was little...
рш ярпекък б йнцн-рн хг хгпюхкэяйху гюкнфмхйнб?
29th October 1972 Terrorists arrive in Libya... Did you shoot any of the Israeli hostages?
йюй опедярюбхрекэ хгпюхкэяйнцн яонпрю "
Killed by murderers in the Olympic Games in Munich as a representative of the Israeli sport. "
якеднбюрекэмн, лхмся е нр ндмни брнпни окчя я пюбмн окчя е ононкюл, мхйнцдю рн еярэ я пюбмн е, х рнцдю дкъ бяъйнцн деиярбхрекэмнцн хйя тсмйжхъ нр хйя пюбмю...
Screw U! My cell was in my bag.
рекетнм онкхжеияйнцн гюгбнмхк, нм нрберхк, х рср фе ярюк рюйни днапши. х нросярхк мюя.
And he let us go.
мю йнцн рш пюанрюеьэ?
Who do you work for?
мю йнцн?
йнмевмн, йнмевмн. щрх, дю? нцн!
- It's this, right?
дфеяяхйс? хг люрелюрхвеяйнцн йкюяяю?
When I drop the bomb... you know, I want you to have somebody, you know I want you to have the thing
нцн, пхй.
Wow, Rick. That stuff just healed my broken legs instantly.
нцн, щрн боевюркъер, пхй.
There's just one problem, Morty one little hang-up.
нцн! ъ рюйни слмши!
I'm so smart!

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