Хг Çeviri İngilizce
155 parallel translation
онаец хг рчпэлш рчпелмши мюдгхпюрекэ - яннаымхй б нпцюмхгюжхх онаецю онкхжхеи назъбкем пнгшяй фемыхмш, яаефюбьеи хг рчпэлш.
Prisoner Escapes HELPED BY JAILER The police are about to arrest the woman who recently escaped prison.
аутг г хгйг йапмоу ха пяостатеьеи та йуйкылата.
This fumarello case will protect the note.
аяца г цягцояа о стокос ха апаитгсеи ма амоивтоум аутес ои хгйес.
Sooner or later the fleet's gonna stop letting those old boys tinker around and demand that we open the cases.
хг яннаыемхи AP Х UPI.
From the wires of the AP and UPI.
нысыемхе ме хг опхърмшу.
Quite a frightening experience.
щрн ме яжемш хг тхкэлнб н дфеиляе анмде.
It wasn't anyJames Bond, :
ъ янбяел ме гмюкю, врн нм хг хгпюхкъ.
I didn't know he was from Israel at all.
нм цнбнпхк он-цнккюмдяйх, мн я к ╗ цйхл юйжемрнл, онщрнлс ъ дслюкю, врн нм нрйсдю-рн хг бнярнвмни ебпнош.
He spoke Dutch, but with a slight accent so I thought he maybe is from Eastern Europe or something.
ъ - вкем оюкеярхмяйни яелэх йнрнпюъ саефюкю хг мюьеи депебмх б цюкхкее нр яхнмхяряйху цюмцярепнб б 1948 цндс.
I am a member of a Palestinian family which fled our village in Galilee from Zionist gangs in 1948.
йюй аефемжш, лнъ яелэъ оепелеыюкюяэ хг кюцепъ б кюцепэ... опефде вел няекю б кюцепе ьюрхкю б аеипсре
As refugees, my family moved from camp to camp before finally ending up at the Chatila camp in Beirut.
нм егдхк хг цнпндю б цнпнд, хг оня ╗ кйю б оня ╗ кнй, х ярюпюкяъ свхрэ лнкндефэ вепег хяйсяярбн теурнбюмхъ, сбюфюрэ дпсц дпсцю, онрнлс врн теурнбюмхе √ юцпеяяхбмши бхд яонпрю.
He was going from town to town, from village to village to try to teach the youngsters through the art of fencing, to have respect for each other because fencing is an aggressive sport.
йнлюмдю хгпюхкъ опхашкю мю жепелнмхч, блеяре я йнлюмдюлх \ хг бяеу ебпноеияйху ярпюм.
The Israeli team came to the service along with competitors from most European countries.
[дФЮЛЮК юКЭ-цЮЬХ] ъ х дбне дпсцху оепеапюкхяэ хг кхбхх б цеплюмхч... гю 2 дмъ дн ноепюжхх
Myself and two others traveled from Libya to Germany two days before the operation.
рюл лш бярперхкхяэ я нярюкэмни вюярэч цпсоош - дпсцюъ цпсоою хг рпеу х дбсу кхдепнб мюундхкюяэ б лчмуеме б ревемхе мейнрнпнцн бпелемх.
There we met up with the rest of the team another group of three and two leaders who had been in Munich for some time.
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] оняке ндмнцн хг янпебмнбюмхи нм яйюгюк, " онялнрпх, рюл йнлюмдю кхбюмю.
After one of the competitions he said, " Hey, there is the Lebanese team.
нмх хг кхбюмю.
They are from Lebanon.
нм онднь ╗ к й мхл х яопняхк опн ху пегскэрюрш, "ъ хг хгпюхкъ, йюй бш бшярсохкх?"
So he went over and he asked how were your results and I'm from Israel, and how did it go?
ъ ондярюбхк ябнч псйс... х лш ондмъкх ндмнцн хг мху б депебмч.
I held my hand out and we lifted one of them into the village.
йюфдши хг мюя мея яонпрхбмсч яслйс... гюонкмеммсч нпсфхел, яопърюммшл онд ндефдни.
Each of us was carrying a sports bag filled with weapons, hidden under clothes.
с йюфднцн хг мюя ашкн йнмйпермне гюдюмхе.
Each of us was given a specific task.
лнеи гюдювеи ашкю нупюмю бшундю хг гдюмхъ, дпсцхе нупюмъкх бунд.
My job was to guard the outside of the building while the others went in.
ъ, дфхл люййщи оепедюч яеивюя я леярю янашрхи, хг цкюбмни педюйжхх юбя, лчмуем, цеплюмхъ.
I'm Jim McKay speaking to you live, at this moment from ABC headquarters, Munich, West Germany.
лме онгбнмхк цкюбю декецюжхх б 6 вюянб српю, х пюяяйюгюк лме, врн рюл ашкх юпюаш х ндхм хг хгпюхкэръм сахр.
I had the first telephone call from the head of the team... Dan Shilon Israeli Television this morning at 6 : 00, and he told me that the Arabs are there and one of the Israelis was killed.
бя ╗ ецн рекн ашкн пюгпсьемн, врн нгмювюкн, врн нм ашк гюярпекем хг юбрнлюрю, ю ме хг охярнкерю хкх бхмрнбйх.
That body was smashed which means he was killed by a machine gun not by a regular gun.
нмх яйюгюкх : " ашк сахр ндхм хг хгпюхкэръм, рпемеп анйя ╗ пнб.
They killed one of the Israelis, and they say it was the boxing coach. "
еярэ дебърэ гюкнфмхйнб мхйрн ме лнц лме яйюгюрэ, еярэ кх япедх мху юмдпе, ашк кх нм ндмхл хг гюкнфмхйнб, хкх яслек яйпшрэяъ.
There are nine hostages. Nobody could tell me if Andre was a part of this if he was one of the hostages, if he escaped.
нм ашк нвемэ ункндем х пеьхрекем.... реппнпхярш оепедюкх онкхжхх ябн ╗ гюъбкемхе, б йнрнпнл нмх онрпеанбюкх нябнанфдемхъ анкее 200 гюйкчвеммшу хг рчпел б хгпюхке, цеплюмхх, х дпсцху ярпюмюу.
He was very cool and very determined clearly fanatical in his convictions. The terrorists handed a communique to the police. In it they demanded the release of more than 200 revolutionary prisoners from jails in Israel, Germany and elsewhere.
гюрел, б 9 српю, ъ сгмюкю, врн юмдпе - ндхм хг гюкнфмхйнб.
Then at 9 : 00 in the morning, I found out that Andre is one of the hostages.
онунфе, врн щрн ондрбепдхкняэ - унръ ондрбепдхрэ врн-кхан яецндмъ мекецйн - врн щрх аюмдхрш опхмюдкефюр й ндмни хг яюлшу щйярпелхяряйху кебшу цпсоохпнбнй, онд мюгбюмхел "в ╗ пмши яемръапэ".
It does appear to be confirmed though anything confirmed today is difficult that these guerrillas are from one of the very extreme left-wing groups a group called Black September.
хгпюхкэ нярюкяъ меопейкнмем б рнл, врнаш ме гюйкчвюрэ мхйюйни ядекйх я реппнпхярюлх, мн врнаш онръмсрэ бпелъ, бедсыхе оепецнбнпш янкцюкх хяяе, врн нмх бя ╗ еы ╗ фдср нйнмвюрекэмнцн нрберю хг хепсяюкхлю.
Israel remained adamant that no deal could be struck with the terrorists but to buy time, the negotiators lied to Issa saying they were still awaiting a definitive answer from Jerusalem.
[бЮКЭРЕП рПНЦЕП] я ндмни ярнпнмш, лме ме мпюбхкяъ хяяю, хг-гю рнцн, врн нм декюк, мн, еякх аш ъ бярперхк ецн б дпсцнл леяре, нм аш лме онмпюбхкяъ.
In a way, I didn't like Issa because of what he was doing but I could have liked him when I met him elsewhere.
окюбючр, пюгцнбюпхбючр н реумхйе ян яонпрялемюлх хг дпсцху ярпюм.
They're swimming, talking of technique with athletes of other countries.
ъ намюпсфхк ндмнцн хг мюьху оюпмеи, яхдъыхл я хгпюхкэръмюлх ; ецн нпсфхе ашкн мюопюбкемн мю хгпюхкэръм.
I found one of our guys sitting with the Israelis, his gun by his side.
онкхжхъ мюдеъкюяэ, врн йнцдю меяйнкэйн аюмдхрнб бшидср хг гдюмхъ, врнаш оепемеярх 5 йнпнанй я едни, лнфмн асдер мюапняхрэяъ мю мху х гюубюрхрэ.
The police hoped more than one guerrilla would come out for the five boxes could be rushed and overpowered.
ю рн, врн лнфер ашрэ, ндхм хг мюя яслеер бнирх б йнлмюрс, онрнлс врн, б рн бпелъ мхйрн ме гмюк рнвмнцн йнкхвеярбю реппнпхярнб.
The idea was that someone of us could enter the room because at that time nobody knew about the number of the terrorists.
мюярсохкю онкмюъ рхьхмю мю нкхлохияйху хцпюу, х рнкэйн ндмю цнкнбю, бшянбшбючыюъяъ хг дбепх.
The Olympic Games are reduced to utter silence and one tantalizing head poking out a door.
х ндхм хг оюкеярхмжеб сдюпхк ецн опхйкюднл юбрнлюрю, нррнкймск б ярнпнмс х гюйпшк онпрэепс.
So he got hit with the butt of the rifle of one of the Palestinians and pushed away, and they closed the curtains.
ясыеярбсер ндхм пеонпрюф бхктю апхлякх хг юяяньхщиред опеяя, б йнрнпнл цнбнпхряъ, врн кеиремюмр онкхжхх яйюгюк елс, врн б 5 вюянб, опхакхгхрекэмн, вепег 29 лхмср нрпъд онкхжеияйху днапнбнкэжеб, ндершу йюй яонпрялемш, оношрюеряъ бгърэ ьрсплнл гдюмхе хгпюхкэяйни нкхлохияйни йнлюмдш.
There's been one report attributed to Wilf Brimsley of the Associated Press... There's been one report attributed to Wilf Brimsley of the Associated Press who said a police lieutenant told him that at 5 : 00 about 29 minutes from now, Munich time a volunteer squad of policemen dressed as athletes would storm the Israeli Olympic team headquarters and would come in shooting.
щрн нрпъд хг 38 днапнбнкэжеб гюоюдмнцеплюмяйху онцпюмхвмхйнб.
These are the volunteer squad of 38 police or West German border guards.
хг-гю якнфмшу мележйху гюйнмнб, мележйни юплхх ме пюгпеьемн свюярбнбюрэ б щрнл.
Because of very complicated laws the German army would not be allowed to participate.
ъ ме унвс декюрэ хг щрнцн мхйюйни дпюлш, мн бя ╗ щрн бшцкъдхр йюй мювюкн йюйни-рн ноепюжхх.
I don't want to instigate any false drama here but it looks, at this point, like the beginnings of some kind of deployment.
нмх унрър анкэьни яюлнк ╗ р, йнрнпши бшбег ╗ р ху блеяре я гюкнфмхйюлх б ндмс хг юпюаяйху ярпюм.
They wanted a long-distance jet to fly them and their hostages to an unspecified Arab country.
цнбнпхр охреп дфеммхмця хг нкхлохияйни депебмх.
This is PeterJennings in the Olympic village.
х лш онькх рсдю. ндхм хг реппнпхярнб ягюдх лемъ, я юбрнлюрнл. б щрн бпелъ мейнрнпше хг ярпекйнб мележйни онкхжхх... кефюкх мю опхкецючыху скхжюу.
So we walked there with one of the terrorists behind me with a machine gun in my back and at that time, some of the gunmen of the German police were lying in the side streets and when we approached, they were crawling away.
[дФЕПЮКЭД яЕИЛСП] реппнпхярш яосярхкхяэ я хгпюхкэръмюлх бмхг б ондгелмши цюпюф х б юбрнася пнаепр рнлоянм, 24-кермхи бюрепонкхяр хг йюмюдш, бхдек щрн.
The terrorists brought the Israelis down a passage into an underground car park and to a bus. Robert Thompson, a 24-year-old Canadian water polo player saw them leave.
пНАЕПР рНЛОЯНМ ] нмх бшбекх яелепшу хг гюкнфмхйнб... х оняюдхкх ху б юбрнася. гюрел нмх бепмскхяэ мюгюд х бшбекх нярюкэмшу.
So then they brought seven of them out and they put seven of the Israelis on the bus and then he went back inside, and then they brought out more.
бя ╗ щрн бпелъ ндхм хг реппнпхярнб ярнък оепед юбрнасянл я юбрнлюрнл б псйюу, мюэкчдюъ гю щрхл.
During this, there was one fellow standing in front of the bus with a machine gun, watching all of it.
дбне сфе сахрш, ю нмх декючр хг щрнцн ьнс.
Two were already murdered, and they were making a show out of it.
[оХРЕП дФЕММХМЦЯ] ндхм хг бепрнк ╗ рнб опнкерюер яеивюя мюд нкхлохияйни депебмеи, х дюкэье, мюд нкхлохияйхл ярюдхнмнл, цде бшйкчвемю онкнбхмю нябеыемхъ.
One of the helicopters now proceeds out over the Olympic site out over the main stadium where half the lights are on.
ъ яйюгюк "онвелс ме бш онгбнкхре, врнаш хг нросярхкхн х бгъкх лемъ бгюлем?"
I said "Why don't you let them go and take me instead?"
"явюяркхбнцн ебпеияйнцн мнбнцн цндю" бяел... апюрэъл, деръл нвемэ лмнцн кчдеи, йнрнпшу ъ бярпевюч мю скхже хкх мю пюанре, йнцдю нмх сгмючр, врн ъ днвэ... хняхтю пнлюмн, хг лчмуемю,
A lot of people I meet in the street or at work... Schlomit Romano when they hear about me being the daughter ofJosef Romano from München they say, " Oh, you know, when I was little...