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Хуйн Çeviri İngilizce

40 parallel translation
¬ от така € хуйн €.
Gold and black one.
- " то за хуйн € с тобой?
- What's the matter with you?
- " то за хуйн € с тобой?
- What the fuck are you on?
- ƒжон и " ревор, хуйн €!
- John and Trevor, bollocks!
- " то за хуйн €?
- What's wrong?
¬ от хуйн €!
For fuck's sake!
- Ќу что за хуйн €.
- Fuck off, you thick runt.
"то за хуйн €?" то такого неправильного со мной?
What the fuck is it? What's wrong with me?
ј это что ещЄ за хуйн €?
What the fuck is this?
" чЄ это за хуйн €?
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
ѕредотвращаем эффект домино. ј вот эта вот хуйн € Еполна € хуйн € на самом деле, "з-за хуйни " з-за нефти,
Whereas this whole fucking thing, this whole fucking thing is nothing about nothing, about oil, which is what I personally hear, Dude.
" то за хуйн €!
What the fuck!
я не понимаю, что за хуйн € с тобой творитс €.
I don't know what your fucking problem is.
" е это за хуйн €?
What the fuck's this
¬ сегда что-то! "Єрт подери, Єбана € хуйн €!"
There's always something! Goddam it! "
ќчередна € мутна € хуйн € от ћакЌалти.
This is some fucked-up McNulty shit.
" то за хуйн € с тобой творитс €?
What the fuck is wrong with you, huh?
ƒа что за хуйн € с тобой творитс €?
What the fuck is wrong with you, huh?
Шейн, что за хуйня произошла на вечеринке?
Shane, what the fuck happened at the party?
Шейн, что за хуйня случилась на вечеринке?
Shane, what the fuck happened at the party?
Ёй, что за хуйн €?
Hey what the fuck?
ѕостараюсь объ € снить без мата, Ќо черна € хуйн € с планеты " кс, котора € вылезла, было похоже, что она себе волосы отрастила.
I'll try to explain this without cursing, but the black shit from planet X that came out from that motherfucker looked like it had grown hair.
Что это за хуйн...
What the fuck is going... - ( GUNSHOTS )
мелжш бхдекх б хцпюу бнглнфмнярэ яреперэ... оюлърэ н реу нрпхжюрекэмшу лнлемрюу, йнрнпше лмнцхе онлмхкх еы ╗ я нкхлохюдш 1936 цндю б аепкхме, йнрнпюъ ашкю хяонкэгнбюмю мюжхярюлх б опноюцюмдхяряйху жекъу.
The Germans saw the games as an opportunity to erase the negative memories many still had of the 1936 Berlin Olympics which had been misused by the Nazis for propaganda purposes.
онунфе, врн щрн ондрбепдхкняэ - унръ ондрбепдхрэ врн-кхан яецндмъ мекецйн - врн щрх аюмдхрш опхмюдкефюр й ндмни хг яюлшу щйярпелхяряйху кебшу цпсоохпнбнй, онд мюгбюмхел "в ╗ пмши яемръапэ".
It does appear to be confirmed though anything confirmed today is difficult that these guerrillas are from one of the very extreme left-wing groups a group called Black September.
мюярсохкю онкмюъ рхьхмю мю нкхлохияйху хцпюу, х рнкэйн ндмю цнкнбю, бшянбшбючыюъяъ хг дбепх.
The Olympic Games are reduced to utter silence and one tantalizing head poking out a door.
рюй ашкн опхмърн нйнмвюрекэмне пеьемхе, врн лш дюдхл онмърэ реппнпхярюл, врн лш онгбнкхл хл скерерэ, мн ядекюел бя ╗ бнглнфмне, врнаш ху смхврнфхрэ... хкх юпеярнбюрэ... дн рнцн, йюй нмх онйхмср ярпюмс.
That led to the final conclusion that we give the impression to the terrorists that we'll let them fly out but try everything to then kill them or bring them into prison before they could leave the country.
мн йюй нмх х ху гюкнфмхйх оноюдср б бепрнк ╗ рш, йнрнпше мюундъряъ мю нйпюхме нкхлохияйни депебмх?
But how would they get themselves and their hostages to the helicopters, which were on the edge of the village.
реппнпхярнб нйюгюкняэ ме 4-5, йюй дслюкю онкхжхъ, ху ашкн 8.
There are not four guerillas nor even five, as the police believed.
ю б ющпнонпрс тчпяремтекдбпчй ху нфхдюкн рнкэйн 5 ямюиоепнб онкхжхх.
There are eight, and there are only five police marksmen waiting at Furstenfeldbruck Airport.
онкхжхъ гюашкю опн апнмхпнбюммше люьхмш, гюашкю гюрпеанбюрэ ху, х рнкэйн яеивюя, вепег 20 лхмср оняке мювюкю оепеярпекйх, нмх ябъгюкхяэ я лчмуемнл х гюопняхкх апнмебхйх.
The police had forgotten to order the armored cars to come to the airport earlier and it was only now, 20 minutes after the shooting began that they radioed to Munich for them to be sent.
мн, онрнлс врн бяе днпнцх ашкх гюахрш гебюйюлх, нмх яслекх опхашрэ рнкэйн вепег вюя, мн й щрнлс бпелемх бяъ оепеярпекйю онврх гюйнмвхкюяэ бя ╗ еы ╗ мхйюйху ябедемхи, йнрнпшу лш фд ╗ л я мерепоемхел, ябедемхи н ясдэае гюкнфмхйнб.
But because the roads were congested with onlookers they did not arrive at the scene for another hour by which time most of the fighting was over. Still no word the word we really want, from the hostages.
Ни одной тебе, на хуй, Лоис Лэйн.
That's the one thing I've noticed.
А с Джейн вообще хуй знает что творится.
Jane. I don't know what's gonna come of fucking Jane.
I was cowardly, to not have stood by you. Already forgotten.
Иди на хуй, Дэйн!
Fuck you, Dane!
хкх яйнкэйн цемерхвеяйху детейрнб лэ ╡ лнцкх аэ ╡ хгаефюрэ?
Or the genetic malformations that could be avoided?
Так, Хуйштейн?
Right, Fuckstain?
рш ме яопняхк, лнпрх, мн ъ рнкэйн врн опшцюк б асдсыее хглепемхе ху ледхжхмю мюярнкэйн пюгбхрю, врн яшбнпнрйю нр оепекнлнб опндю ╗ ряъ б кчани юорейе.
Morty, but what just happened there is... I went into a future dimension with such advanced medicine... that they had broken-leg serum at every corner drugstore. The stuff was all over the place, Morty.
рнкэйн пхй х лнпрх пх [пшцюер] хй х лнпрх х ху опхйкчвемхъ, лнпрх.
It's just Rick and Morty. Rick and Morty and their adventures, Morty.

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