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Translate.vc / Rusça → İngilizce / [ Ю ] / Юпюанб

Юпюанб Çeviri İngilizce

2 parallel translation
брнпюъ мюдефдю ашкю мю рн, врн дбю нтхжхюмрю ялнцср бнирх бмсрпэ гдюмхъ х янявхрюрэ йнкхвеярбн юпюанб.
A second hope was the chefs could gain access and count the Arabs inside.
[цНБЮПД йНЯЕКК] б онякедмхе 25-30 лхмср гдеяэ опнхяундхр гюлермне сбекхвемхе юйрхбмнярх. люьхмш опнегфючр. лш хлеел яеивюя йнппхднп, янгдюммши дкъ бшбнгю юпюанб, еякх днцнбнп ╗ ммнярэ асдер днярхцмсрю х еякх нмх бшидср нррсдю, врн бонкме бнглнфмн.
Over the recent 25 to 30 minutes there was a flurry of activity, cars were speeding off and we now have a corridor or avenue of departure available to the Arabs should a deal have been made and should they be coming out as now seems likely.

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