Юпюаяйхи Çeviri İngilizce
2 parallel translation
онгюдх мху ярнък юпюаяйхи реппнпхяр я нпсфхел б псйюу.
Behind them was an Arab guerilla with some kind of weapon in his hand.
нм опнбепхк бя ╗ ягюдх, яоепедх х бмсрпх бепрнк ╗ рю, х йнцдю нм саедхкяъ, врн бя ╗ бшцкъдхр анкее хкх лемее мнплюкэмн, нм ондюк яхцмюк, х 4 гюкнфмхйнб онькх й бепрнк ╗ рс ян ябъгюммшлх яоепедх псйюлх. якеднл ьек юпюаяйхи реппнпхяр я нпсфхел б псйюу.
He checked in and out, both back, front and middle of the helicopter and when he saw that everything looked like it was all right he signaled, and four hostages started to march out with their hands tied in front of them and behind them was an Arab guerilla with some kind of weapon in his hand.