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Translate.vc / Rusça → İspanyolca / [ A ] / Approached

Approached Çeviri İspanyolca

5 parallel translation
К твоему сожалению, когда ты подходил к Hammerhead, там оказалась камера.
Unfortunately from your point of view, there was a camera down at the Hammerhead when you approached.
Do you know if Mr. Orton ever approached Mr. Daniels?
¿ Sabe si el Sr. Orton se acercó alguna vez al Sr. Daniels?
"Sam and Dean approached the ramshackle house..."
"Sam y Dean se acercaron a la casa en ruinas..."
That's probably why Glassman approached him at the Jade Temple...
Probablemente por eso Glassman se le acercó en el Jade Temple...
But, as zero hour approached, everything unravelled.
Pero, a medida que se acercaba la hora cero, todo se desenredaba.

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