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Translate.vc / Rusça → İspanyolca / [ A ] / Asked

Asked Çeviri İspanyolca

80 parallel translation
Спросили, как я узнал
" asked me how I knew
Я спросил Марг, и она сказала что нет. I asked Marg and she said no.
Marg me dijo que no.
- I'll come up, Henry. " " - I didn't ask you. I asked Bob."
Henry dijo : "Invité a Bob".
Я попросил Роберта Макнамару... I've asked Robert McNamara принять обязанности министра обороны. ... to assume the responsibilities of secretary of defense.
Le pedí a Robert McNamara que tome el puesto de secretario de defensa.
... never answer the question that is asked of you. Отвечай на вопрос который ты хотел-бы что-бы тебе задали. Answer the question that you wish had been asked of you.
Contesta la que desearías que te hubieran preguntado.
* Ni siquiera preguntaste qué tenía yo en mente *
2ª Temporada - Capítulo 05 "They Asked Me Why I Believe In You"
* They asked me how I knew *
"El humo ciega tus ojos" The Platters * Me preguntaron cómo yo sabía * * si mi verdadero amor era de verdad *
* They asked me how I knew *
"Ellos me preguntaron cómo sabía"
* They asked me How I knew *
* They asked me how I knew *
I have been asked to convey, from the President of the United States, his absolute fury.
El Presidente de los Estados Unidos me ha pedido que le transmita su ira absoluta.
The other day I asked you if you wanted to have coffee?
El otro dia te pregunte si querias tomar un cafe conmigo?
But remember that you asked For it
Pero recuerda que lo pediste
Well, you asked for it
Bueno, tú lo pediste
¶ But remember That you asked for it ¶
Pero recuerda que lo pediste
¶ Well, you asked for it ¶
Bueno, tú lo pediste
"They All Ask'd For You"... да, бля... да-а.
"they all asked for you", "yeah yeah putos yeah!".
I asked somebody at the Pentagon instead.
En cambio, le pregunté a alguien en el Pentágono.
I helped The Blur, I even found my inner Iron Chef, and all I asked - - the only thing you had to do was deal with my dad for one day.
Ayudé al Borrón, incluso encontré mi chef interno, y lo único que te pedí que hicieras era tratar con mi padre por un día.
You know, I asked Chase if he was hiring когда мы были в Юте.
Sabes, le pregunte a Chase si iba a contratar a alguien cuando estábamos en Utah.
I just... I guess I just wish that somebody Would have asked me to do career day.
Solo.... supongo que deseo que alguien me hubiera preguntado para ir el dia de la orientacion profesional
I asked you to kill one worthless idiot, and you try to deceive me?
Te pedí que mataras a un idiota inútil. ¿ Y tratas de engañarme?
I asked Mandy about it.
Le pregunté a Mandy sobre ello.
Yes, the Coen Brothers have asked me to play Matt Damon's half-wit dad in their new movie.
Si, los hermanos Coen me han pedido que haga de padre medio idiota de Matt Damaon en su nueva película.
I asked her why, and... She said somebody had betrayed her.
Le pregunté por qué, y... dijo que alguien la había traicionado.
And a barista there asked me to read an article That she had written for her college paper.
Y una camarera me pidió que leyera un artículo que había escrito para el periódico de su universidad.
Uh, no, but two hours later, a large African-American gentleman with a fondness for kidney punches showed up and asked that very same question.
- No, pero dos horas más tarde, un gran caballero Afro-Americano con una afición por los golpes en el riñón se presentó e hizo esa misma pregunta.
He asked to be reassigned the next day.
Pidió ser reasignado al día siguiente.
* "See You Later Alligator" * * Well, I saw my baby walking with another man today * * yeah, I saw my baby walking * * with another man today * * when I asked her, "what's the matter, baby?" *
* Well, I saw my baby walking * * with another man today * * yeah, I saw my baby walking * * with another man today * * when I asked her, "what's the matter, baby?" *
I asked her nicely, "can I buy you a drink?"
Le pregunté amablemente : "¿ Puedo invitarte un trago?"
We got you the stuff you asked for.
Tenemos las cosas que nos pediste.
Or continue hitting on you when you've asked it to stop.
O continuaría acercándose a ti, cuando le pidieras que se detuviera.
The gambling commission has asked for our notes on the class action, and Desert Springs is forgiving your debt.
La comisión de apostadores ha pedido nuestras notas en la demanda colectiva, y Desert Springs olvidará tu deuda.
The only thing I ever asked you to do was to lose a little paperwork to protect my club and your town.
Lo único que te pedí que hicieras fue que perdieras algunos papeleos para proteger a mi club y a tu pueblo.
Well, he's asked about Pouncy House.
Bueno preguntó por Pouncy House.
Why couldn't we have just asked for help?
¿ Por qué no hemos pedido ayuda?
My friend just asked you a question, a polite question.
Mi amigo te hizo una pregunta. Una pregunta amable.
Nice smile. Asked me if I needed a ride.
Me gustaron el auto y la sonrisa.
I asked you a question, and I expect an answer.
Te he hecho una pregunta, y espero una respuesta.
# Asked about her bag Suburbia's such a drag
# Asked about her bag Suburbia's such a drag
Well, you never asked.
Bueno, nunca has preguntado.
Вы просили приехать.
You are asked to arrive.
Ну да, я спросила, а они согласны!
Well, I asked, and they agree!
So I asked Natasha about it, and she admitted she'd disturbed the DOA and removed this.
Así que le pregunté a Natasha al respecto, y ella admitió que había perturbado la DOA y eliminado esta.
And I asked if she needed a pick-me-up.
Y le pregunté si necesitaba un pick-me-up.
I asked Felicity to get in touch with you.
Le pedí a Felicity que se pusiera en contacto contigo.
When they asked what he'd learned, the boy hung his head in shame.
Cuando le preguntaron qué había aprendido, el chico negó con la cabeza avergonzado.
I asked to be here.
Yo le pedí estar aquí.
She asked, are you coming tomorrow?
Te pregunta si vendrás mañana.
I asked you a question.
Hice una pregunta.
"Голубая кровь". Сезон 2, серия 18. "Без вопросов"
- Blue Bloods 2x18 - No Questions Asked Segundo atraco a farmacias en este vecindario en varias semanas.

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