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Translate.vc / Rusça → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Difficult

Difficult Çeviri İspanyolca

16 parallel translation
И это был очень непростой момент. And it was very difficult.
Y fue muy difícil.
Это был непростой момент для президента. It was difficult for the president.
Difícil para el Presidente.
The Pentagon is a very, very difficult building to defend. Мы разместили войска, вооружённые винтовками, вокруг него. We placed troops carrying rifles around it.
Pusimos soldados con rifles a su alrededor alguaciles frente a los soldados.
Going to war, having to deal with the rush of battle and the struggle to save lives, it made coming home and doing the simple things difficult.
Ir a la guerra. Teniendo que tratar con la prisa de la batalla. y el esfuerzo para salvar vidas,
And just because something is difficult doesn't mean that I shouldn't do it.
Y solo porque algo sea difícil no significa que no debería hacerlo.
что ты парень. но влюбился.
Started thought are you, male student that time. Want to step out this one step really too difficult. Desde el principio y absolutamente no el pensamiento.
у меня хорошо получается!
You play before saddle horse motor game. That to exceed fun. I saddle horse motorbike is difficult to deal with.
Just, look, you know how difficult she is, and the last thing I need is for her to figure out that you and I were ever...
Mira, ya sabes lo difícil que es, y lo último que necesito es que descubra que tú y yo alguna vez...
This is going to be difficult, uh...
Esto va a ser difícil, eh...
Трудно хоть раз прийти вовремя?
Difficult to ever be on time?
I chose to mitigate a difficult discussion with upbeat and positive phrasings.
Elegí mitigar un asunto difícil con frases animosas y positivas.
Did he give you a difficult timeof it?
¿ Le dio una noche difícil?
When do the questions get difficult?
¿ Cuándo las preguntas se ponen difíciles?
- Он может осложнить нам жизнь.
Well, he can make life difficult.
As difficult as it sounds, it's best to try to resume your normal life in the meantime.
Por difícil que parezca, lo mejor es tratar de reanudar su vida normal en el ínterin.
It's a very, very difficult position for sensitive human beings to be in.
Morrison era uno de ellos.

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