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Translate.vc / Rusça → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I get it

I get it Çeviri İspanyolca

90 parallel translation
I get it.
Ya veo.
Okay, I get it.
Bien, lo entiendo.
Okay. Okay, I get it.
Okay Okay, lo entiendo
I get it.
Lo entiendo.
I get it. His track record has been kind of spotty, но я не ненавижу его.
Lo entiendo, su historial es bastante irregular, pero yo no lo odio.
- # And now it's June # # And we're gonna get married # # the day you say # # That I'm the one #
Ahora estamos en junio y nos vamos a casar el día que dices que soy la única.
"... but I hope I know it when I get there
"... pero espero saberlo cuando llegue allá
See if I can get it straight
Okay, I'll get it.
Bueno, lo conseguiré.
I'll get through it. Aaah!
Lo conseguiré.
... if I can get out of this with a deal that I can say to the Russian people :'Кеннеди собирался уничтожить Кастро, а я предотвратил это.'"...'Kennedy was going to destroy Castro and I prevented it.'"
"Kennedy iba a destruir a Castro y yo lo impedí".
I guess I can't get out of it any longer.
Supongo que no puede evitarlo por más tiempo.
Я говорила убрать здесь. I said get rid of it.
Te dije que te encargaras de eso.
Меня так часто называют, как ты видишь.
I get called it a lot, you see.
Не понимаю.
I don't get it.
Не могу поверить, Мне за него еще и платят.
I can't believe I get paid to do it. Yeah.
Ты не понимаешь?
I mean, don't you get it?
Я начала уже сомневаться что это вообще возможно.
I'm beginning to wonder if he can still get it up.
I'll go get it.
Iré a por ella.
I want a new stove, Rex, and if I need to get a job to pay for it, so be it.
Quiero una estufa nueva, Rex y si voy a tener que conseguir un trabajo para pagarlo, lo haré.
We'll do it when I get back. You say that every time, Umberto,
- Siempre dices lo mismo Umberto, y luego estás cansado.
I'll get it dry-cleaned for the funeral.
Lo voy a llevar a limpiar para el funeral.
- Боже, Сэнди, просто оставь их.
I can't get it on my own *
* I've been told * * is good for your body, yeah * * and it's good for your soul * * come and get it now * * hey hey hey hey * * hey pocky way. *
# La música que te hace sentir bien # # me han dicho # # que es buena para tu cuerpo, sí # # y que es buena para tu alma # # Ven a por tu ración ahora, hey hey hey hey # # Hey, al estilo lento. #
I know it's not your style, but I thought you'd get a kick out of it considering how much I paid for it.
Sé que no es tu estilo, pero pensé que te gustaría considerando cuánto pagué por él.
And I have arranged it so that you and I get to sit together.
Y he hecho un arreglo para que tú y yo podamos sentarnos juntos.
I'd go in with a scope and get it.
Es tu prueba. Entraría con una sonda y la sacaría
I get that House is an ass, but at least he owns it.
Entiendo que House es un cabrón, pero al menos el es el dueño.
That Sarah actually liked, so, yeah, I'm gonna take the extra help where I can get it.
Asi que, sí buscaré la ayuda extra donde pueda
I wouldn't take it off before we get into the interview room.
Yo no me la quitaría hasta la sala de interrogatorios
Got it. I'll get back to you.
Vale. te volveré a llamar.
* I'm on fire... * * Never before have I felt so good * * just being natural me * * minor hang-ups and minor times * * but deep inside I'm free * * let your hair down, get down with it *
* I'm on fire... * * Never before have I felt so good * * just being natural me * * minor hang-ups and minor times * * but deep inside I'm free * * let your hair down, get down with it *
* gimme extra gimme extra-tra * * gimme extra, gimme extra again * * get on it, back on it, get on it, there you go... *
* and if you bounce uptown and bounce like this * *'cause I ain't never seen a shaker shake like this * * gimme extra gimme extra-tra * * gimme extra, gimme extra again * get on it, back on it, get on it, there you go...
Well, we had a love that was in-between and to me it was like a dream if we'd stayed together till June baby, bride and groom that's why I got to get you off of my mind I know it's just a matter of time you found somebody new and our romance is through...
Yeah yeah yeah got to get you off of my mind I know it's just a matter of time you found somebody new and our romance is through that's why I got to get you off of my mind I know it's just a matter of time.
I'll get someone on it.
Pondré a alguien a ello.
Of course, ever since I started the medication, it happens when I don't get enough rest, but...
Claro, desde que empecé con los medicamentos, me sucede cuando no descanso lo suficiente, pero...
I think maybe seeing you get all buddy-buddy today with Gloria made me feel like it did when you were with mom, and--and...
Creo que quizás viéndote tan de colegueo hoy con Gloria me ha hecho sentir como cuando estabas con mamá, y...
Hey, look, I know you were reluctant to get that massage, but I think we can both agree it had a happy ending.
Mira, sé que no querías darte ese masaje pero creo que debemos estar de acuerdo con que ha terminado bien.
I didn't get my hips into it.
Me faltó un movimiento de caderas.
If this car performs the way I expect it to, you will get a certified check of 101,000 and change when you come in here tomorrow morning.
Si este coche se comporta como yo espero, tendrás un cheque certificado por 101.000 y pico mañana por la mañana, cuando llegues aquí.
But sometimes it's so thrilling I need an extra burst of energy to get me through a game.
Pero a veces es tan apasionante que necesito una ración extra de energía para seguir el juego.
Well, if it was me, I'd want to know so I could be sure to get a manicure.
- Bueno, si fuera tú, me gustaría saberlo para asegurarme de hacerme la manicura.
And I want to make it up to you by helping you find the perfect gift to get your girlfriend back.
Y quiero hacer las paces contigo ayudándote a encontrar el regalo perfecto para recuperar a tu novia.
I'd rather not get into it tonight.
Preferiría no entrar en detalles esta noche.
I know it's unorthodox for cousins to get together,... at least these days.
Sé que es poco ortodoxo que primos se unan,
I'm trying to save Natasha another fist to the face and get this case back to where it belongs, with us.
Estoy tratando de salvar a Natasha otro puño a la cara y obtenga este caso al lugar que le corresponde, con nosotros.
And then fate turned me into dirt, and ever since, I've been trying to get fate to work back in my direction, but it won't.
Y luego el destino me convirtió en polvo, y desde entonces, He estado tratando de obtener destino a trabajar de nuevo en mi dirección, pero no lo hará.
I'm sorry, I didn't get that message till it was over.
Lo siento, no recibí el mensaje hasta que acabó todo.
I'm talking about doesn't it bother you that you get teased all the time?
Estoy hablando de que, ¿ no te molesta que se burlen de ti todo el tiempo?
In fact, I don't think you can get it Где-то в Вирджинии.
De hecho, no creo que puedas conseguirla en ningún sitio de Virginia.

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