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Translate.vc / Rusça → İspanyolca / [ M ] / Messed

Messed Çeviri İspanyolca

13 parallel translation
She messed around with a bloke named Smokey
~ She messed around with a bloke named Smokey
Своими испорченными слюнявыми губами
With your messed up slobbering lips
those messed up values she passed on to you.
Ese desastre de valores que te pasó.
Вы во всем виноваты, прекратили трансляцию.
You messed it up by pulling the plug.
All those in favor of treating Mr. Burns the way he messed with us, say "aye."
Todos aquellos que estén a favor de tratar al Sr. Burns de la misma manera que él nos trató, diga "Yo".
I think Karen messed you up bad.
Creo que Karen te ha dejado tocado.
If he were kicking and screaming then these throw rugs would be pretty messed up, and there would be scuff marks all over the walls.
Si hubiera estado dando patadas y gritando estas alfombras estarían arrugadas y habría marcas de arañazos en las paredes.
Nobody knows I messed up more than I do.
Nadie sabe cuánto me he equivocado más que yo.
This is just so messed up.
Esto es tan desordenado.
That one trip to the petting zoo really messed me up!
¡ Ese viaje al zoológico de cachorros me echo a perder!
That's messed up, man.
Eso está mal.
Но ты тоже не без тараканов в голове.
# But you're pretty messed up, too # ¶ pero tú también estás bastante dañado ¶
– Иди ты, Игги! Раз, два, три, четыре!
One, two, three, four! ♪ So messed up I want you here ♪

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