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Translate.vc / Rusça → İspanyolca / [ R ] / Released

Released Çeviri İspanyolca

14 parallel translation
Производство Showbox и Mediaplex
Released by Showbox / Mediaplex, Inc.
He was released in 2003.
Le liberaron en 2003.
I released.
Me liberé.
I expect he'll be crawling into your arms in the next couple of weeks when he's released.
Estimo que estará acurrucándose en tus brazos dentro de dos semanas, cuando sea liberado.
Just released six months ago.
Salí hace seis meses.
Maybe London has released youto be seen as you really are.
Quizás Londres le ha liberado para que sea como realmente es.
If I would've been in love the brain would've released serotonin or dopamine.
Si estuviese enamorada el cerebro habría liberado serotonina o dopamina.
The prosecutor has released Ramon, and he didn't want any protection.
El fiscal ha liberado a Ramon y no tiene ninguna protección.
We're requesting that Mr. Munoz be released on his own recognizance.
Estamos solicitando que el Sr. Muñoz sea liberado bajo su propia responsabilidad.
She got her client released without being charged.
Consiguió que liberásemos a su cliente sin cargos.
Dr. Nair. Do you feel safe with Shaun Manning released?
Te lo digo, todo lo que hice fue definido la nanny cam en el reloj.
I released.
Ya te dejo.
To pick up a newly released inmate...
- A recoger un preso recién liberado...
Released the world-engine.
Liberen el motor del mundo

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