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Watched Çeviri İspanyolca

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I lay awake and watched until the morning light
Me acosté y observé hasta la mañana siguiente...
Just like every night, I woke up thinking of you, and on my clock I watched the hours go by.
( CANTA ) Como cada noche, desperté pensando en ti, y en mi reloj todas las horas vi pasar,
"I watched helpless as you turned around to leave"
# I watched helpess as you # Vi indefenso como tú # Turned around to leave # Girabas y te marchabas
And watched ten thousand flowers grow
# Y he visto diez mil flores crecer #
"Рожденный 4-го июля", "Топ Ган", "Дни грома", — он видел все эти фильмы.
Born on 4th July, Top Gun, Days Of Thunder, he has watched them all.
Я просматривал групповушку с медовым месяцем. Мне понравилась, как мужчины там ожидают своей очереди.
I watched the honeymoon gangbang last night, and I love how you cut to the men waiting for their turn.
Я только что видела последний фильм Джеффа.
I mean, I just watched the final cut of Jeff's movie.
I watched a lot of movies.
Veía muchas películas.
And I watched a lot of people.
Y veía a mucha gente.
Okay, maybe I watched it like once or twice.
Vale, quizá lo he visto una o dos veces.
Oh, I accidentally watched a documentary. It moved me.
Vi un documental por accidente.
Переводчики : BonnyLu, Taisska, nastia141997, teddybest mrsspecial, miu _ miu, NastyaBeryoza, TrickyFishbone alli96, vanakals, VeraBlake, mcg14
Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player
I don't know, just the way he watched Tedeschi treat Adriano with so much respect and trust.
No sé, solo el modo en el que vio a Tedeschi tratar a Adriano con tanto respeto y confianza.
I told them the only way they could achieve what they wanted was to build something that not only watched, but understood what it was watching.
Les dije que la única manera que podrían lograr lo que querían era construir algo que no sólo visto, pero entendida lo que estaba viendo.
You want to watch the game we just watched all over again?
¿ Quieres ver el partido que acabamos de ver entero de nuevo?
I've read things, I've, uh, watched things.
He leído cosas, tengo, eh, vi cosas.
I've watched you serve people all night.
Te he visto servir a la gente toda la noche.
That afternoon, Henry Ford watched his cars cruise home to a spectacular one-two-three finish.
Esa tarde, Henry Ford vio sus autos cruzar la linea en un espectacular final 1-2-3.
Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов. Его статус : идёт перевод
Рэю Харрихаузену и Иширо Хонде
Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player
Переводчики : lucky _ ann, summer2013, jyraff, gaby
Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player
Перевод - slonka.
Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player

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