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Translate.vc / Rusça → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Wounds

Wounds Çeviri İspanyolca

11 parallel translation
These are the claws that scratch these wounds
Éstas las garras que rascan las heridas
"Wounds" - Parte 2.
But we've determined that the wounds were made from something aluminum, something with a sharp edge.
Pero tenemos que determinar que esas heridas se hicieron con algo de aluminio y afilado.
"Старые раны". Я подала ходатайство об отмене повестки в суд, ссылаясь на то, что вызов отца в суд не имеет оснований и является провокацией.
- Old Wounds - - He presentado una moción para anular la citación, citar a papá a declarar sería irrelevante y provocador.
He's just off licking his wounds.
Solo ha ido a lamerse las heridas.
You're forgetting about the stab wounds.
Se te olvidan las puñaladas.
We didn't see any stab wounds.
No vimos ninguna puñalada.
There actually are two small stab wounds to Dan McLane's abdomen.
De hecho, hay dos pequeñas puñaladas en el abdomen de Dan McLane.
Stab wounds couldn't have been reported because I hadn't examined the body before he was snatched away.
Puñaladas que no pude documentar porque no pude examinar el cadáver antes de que lo destrozaran.
Two wounds to the midsection followed by a Ripper-like throat-slashing.
Dos heridas en el abdomen seguidas de un corte en el cuello para degollar.

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