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Translate.vc / Rusça → Fransızca / [ G ] / Go ahead

Go ahead Çeviri Fransızca

27 parallel translation
- Идём дальше! - Go ahead! - Хорошо.
Что за черт?
I go ahead and smile Go ahead and smile
Продолжай, ненавидь меня и кричи, чтобы все услышали.
Just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth So everyone can hear
No, go ahead, please.
Je t'en prie.
Here, go ahead...
Prenez ça.
Go ahead.
You stick that knife of judgment in me, go ahead, but make no mistake, his blood is just as much on your hands as it is on mine.
Tu voudrais que je sois la seule à porter le blâme, vas-y, mais faudrait pas te leurrer tes mains sont aussi tachées de son sang que les miennes.
So, I'm gonna go ahead and blame my behavior on the heat.
Donc je vais accuser la chaleur pour mon comportement récemment.
Go ahead and write it down for us, Frank.
Continue, Frank, mets tout ça par écrit.
Go ahead.
* * Я привез это из Ямайки *
- Go ahead, get at me
Go ahead.
Allez y.
Go ahead, call it in.
Va vérifier.
Go ahead and scooch down and bend your knees for me, okay?
Tu commence par descendre et plier les genoux pour moi, d'accord?
Go ahead, baby.
Continue bébé.
Go ahead. Take it.
Vas-y, prends-le.
I never had the go-ahead to terminate.
J'ai jamais eu la permission d'éliminer.
- Снимай, Луиз.
- All right, go ahead, Louise.
ла-ла-ла ла-ла-ла ла-ла-ла ла-ла-ла
But then I just smile I go ahead and smile
Go ahead and jump
ба, ба, ба, ба-ба, ба-да
Go ahead and jump
Прыгай, прыгай, прыгай
Go ahead and jump
Ба-да, ба-да-да-да
Go ahead and jump
All right, you go ahead to the hospital.
Elle l'a vu.
Перейти ahead.Go получить пиццу.
Allez-y, prenez de la pizza.

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