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Translate.vc / Rusça → Fransızca / [ T ] / That ' s right

That ' s right Çeviri Fransızca

78 parallel translation
Это верно. Идем.
That's right. ( C'est vrai ).
# To rock around, that's right on time
# To rock around, that s right on time
# It's tricky to rock around to rock around that's right on time
# It s tricky to rock around to rock around that s right on time
# To rock around that's right on time
# To rock around that s right on time
А затем деградировали. That interior right... И без сильной руки они станут хуже, чем можно себе представить.
puis leur valeur morale s'est détériorée et sans prise en main, leur situation empirera.
... никогда, и сейчас полному счастью мешают лишь Макинтайры - вон там.
And all that s standing between right now and perfection are the Mclntyres over there.
- Да, верно.
Oh, that s right.
And Thompson was right. That's what I call empathy.
Voilà ce que j'appelle "se mettre à la place de l'ennemi".
- Yeah, that's right.
Et je préfère être damné si je ne le fais pas.
- Нет, ма, я не могу.
" That's right!
Потому что это "Время улыбки" Все правильно, ты смотришь "Время улыбки"...
"'cause it s Smile Time. That's right! You're on Smile Time! "
Да-да, ребятки, время лимбо-лимбо-лимбо!
that s right, partiers. It s time to limbo, limbo, limbo. - So, okay.
# Дело было так, мы с чуваком встретились на трибунах #
# So, that s right, dude meet me at the bleachers #
# Я тебе побью, заставлю тебя упасть #
# Gonna make you fall, gonna sock it to you # # That's right, l'm the last one standing #
Да, это верно.
Yeah, that s right.
Нет, это право, среднего размера составляет $ 255 плюс налоги.
No, that s right, la taille moyenne est de 255 $ plus taxes.
Это верно, Hanson.
That's right, Hanson.
That's right!
- Именно так.
That's right.
Робин, кроме этой монеты, this is the other thing that's flipping right now.
Robin, en plus de cette pièce, ceci est l'autre chose qui vibre pour toi en ce moment.
You said she was a star, and that's right.
Tu me parlais d'une star, elle l'est.
Да, именно так.
That's right
Это так!
That's right
* Правда лишь в том, что ты должен *
It s only right that you should
It's way too early for that, right, Marshall?
C'est bien trop tôt, pas vrai Marshall?
On the off chance that he's right, I really don't want to keep him waiting.
Pour la petite chance qu'il dise vrai, je veux vraiment ne pas le faire attendre.
- Yeah, that's right. That's the reason.
- Tu as raison, bonne raison.
That's right. I shoot you in the head.
C'est ça, en pleine tête.
That's right. That's exactly right.
C'est exactement ça.
* Но сейчас это не страшно, это - нормально *
♪ And now it s all right, that s okay ♪
* Мне нужен мужчина, который считает *
♪ I need a man that thinks it s right ♪
Klaus was right, it's embarrassing playing with that toy car.
Klaus avait raison, c'est embarrassant de jouer avec une voiture miniature.
( grunts ) That's right, Jonah, mush that face.
C'est bien, Jonah, explose lui la tête!
And when that other team tries to come at you, that's when you gotta reach deep down, right down to your creamy center - that place, that place, inside you where all the gooey happy
Puis souriez-leur! là où c'est crémeux.
Ты был единственно правильным
♪ You've been the only thing that s right ♪
That's right, I know.
C'est vrai, je sais.
That's right... he's never gotten over you.
C'est ça... il n'est jamais passé à autre chose.
That's all right.
Ça va.
* Нормально есть мясо по пятницам *
- All over your body - Eat meat on a Friday, that s all right
Само совершенство!
That's right. That's perfect!
That's if you think that clearing Tedeschi's name is the right thing to do.
C'est si tu penses que nettoyer le nom de Tedeschi est la bonne chose à faire.
That girl gonna be all right?
La fille va s'en sortir?
Now, what they're doing right now, that's called the tango.
Ce qu'ils font là, ça s'appelle le tango.
That's quite all right.
C'est tout naturel.
Right there- - that's the boys'cabin.
Juste là... C'est la cabane des garçons.
Are you sure it's all right that I keep this?
Vous êtes sûr que je peux garder ça?
They gotta keep some kind of rosterof who was on duty that night, right?
- Jay? - Je te reçois, Carrie. Comment s'en sort Al?
♪ That's right!
That's right!
That's really convenient for you to say right now. Really?
You know that's just a title for today, right?
Tu sais que c'est juste un titre pour la journée, non?
- That's all right.
- Tout va bien.

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