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About Çeviri Portekizce

585 parallel translation
It gives you something to think about
É algo para se pensar
Something to drink about
É algo para se brindar
Think about what you're trying to do to me
Pensares no que estás a tentar fazer comigo
Think about what you're trying to do to me
Pensares no que está a tentar fazer comigo
Hey, think about it
Ei, pensa nisso
You, think about it
Tu, pensa nisso
Think about what you're trying to do to me
Pensa no que estás a tentar fazer comigo
- Yeah, think about it, baby
- Sim, pensa nisso, querido
To the bone Think about it right now
Até ao fundo Pensa nisso já
- Think about it, baby - What you're trying to do to me
- No que estás a tentar fazer comigo
Think about it, baby
Pensa nisso, querido
Think about it, yeah, yeah
Pensa nisso
Think about it
Pensa nisso
Stop and think about it
Parar e pensar nisso
Well, I heard about the fella you've been dancing with
Soube do sujeito com quem andaste a dançar
And what about the frug
E o frug
She had a dream about the King of Sweden
Ela tinha um sonho sobre o Rei da Suécia
# Won't you come see about me #
Won't you come see about me
# Forget about me #
Forget about me
" He's all right What do you think about Jesus?
" Ele é porreiro O que é que pensas de Jesus?
А сейчас - Дайана Росс и "Супримз" с песней "Позаботься обо мне".
Temos Diana Ross e as Supremes com "Come See About Me".
Это не "Ева как она есть", а "Все о Еве".
All about Eve significa "Tudo sobre Eva".
Shove it in, shove it out
Shove it in, all about
- No, we're still talking about the very first egg.
- Não, nós ainda estamos falando do primeiro ovo.
- But what happened about the very first chicken?
- Mas o que aconteceu com a primeira galinha?
Она амбициозная и пробивная.
Parece saída do All About Eve.
Я уезжаю в загородный дом в великолепном местечке Эскаланте, штат Юта и меня будет сопровождать замечательный джентльмен,..
Para o rancho Turn - About na adorável Escalante, no Utah. Serei escoltada por 2 belos cavalheiros que esperam no gabinete do director.
Я ни за чтo нe вoлнуюсь
lt's like I don't care about nothin', man
Прятаться по дому в халате весь день.
Skulk about the house in your dressing gown all day.
Поговорим о совершенстве.
Talk about perfection.
I just couldn't see she didn't feel the same way about me.
Apenas não pude ver que ela não sentia o mesmo por mim!
- Артур Фридман Оператор
" And I'm talking about days
Yeah, we heard about your little one-man ethnic-cleansing campaign.
Sim, ouvimos falar da tua campanha solitária de limpeza étnica.
With everything you've told me about your father, it should be a walk in the park.
Com o que me contaste sobre o teu pai, isso é canja para ele.
Они всё поняли и готовы никуда не ехать в эти выходные.
They're very understanding about not going camping this weekend.
Мне нравилось узнавать твои новости.
l enjoyed hearing about you.
If you're talkin'shit about America, we are gonna kick your ass.
Se fala mal da América, damos cabo de si.
Think about your balls. Where are your balls?
Pensa nos teus tomates.
Your girlfriend is very close With the person i care most about.
A tua namorada é muito próxima da pessoa de quem eu gosto.
Evan, are you about to...
Evan, tu estás...
How about that daughter of ours?
E a nossa filha?
Hey, how'd you get to know so much about everything?
Como é que sabes tanto sobre tanta coisa?
Joe... I know you're all about the boobs right now, but trust me... the neck.
Joe, sei que, por agora, só queres mamar, mas, confia em mim, o pescoço...
Это секрет, который я никогда не открою.
Much'I Do'About Nothing
But think about what I'll do when I'm with you
* Mas penso no que vou fazer quando estiver com você *
But think about what I'll do when I'm with you.
* Mas penso no que vou fazer quando estiver com você *
# Ты ничего не понимаешь в любви. #
# You don't understand about love. #
What about the bugaloo
E o bugaloo
Это Считает, сэр Вас inquired about Агент Ричард ГиИИ?
FALECIDO Queria saber de um nosso empregado, o agente Richard Gill? Fala da contabilidade.
Shove it in, all about
Agora são 9 : 00.
What about Lilly?
O shadrin está na outra direcção.

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