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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ A ] / Alexdezh

Alexdezh Çeviri Portekizce

18 parallel translation
Перевод — cloudmachine _, trans _ LATE, Alexdezh, Ola _ la _ s, info1986, ser3141 subtitry.ru / subtitles /?
12 Monkeys º S01E07 - The Keys -
Переводчики : cloudmachine _, Alexdezh, trans _ LATE, madlyn _ n ser3141, Ola _ la _ s
Resync Web-DL : Legendas em Série + PT-PT
Перевод — cloudmachine _, Alexdezh, Lossendil, trans _ LATE, helga11 subtitry.ru / subtitles /?
12 Monkeys " S01E13 Arms of Mine - SEASON FINALE
Перевод — Alexdezh, cloudmachine _, twelve, CherryElf, trans _ LATE, lucky _ girl, alasta
Halt and Catch Fire S02E02 "New Coke"
Перевод — Переводчики : CherryElf, trans _ LATE, twelve, Alexdezh
Halt and Catch Fire S02E10 "Heaven Is a Place"
Перевод — cloudmachine _, Alexdezh, CherryElf, twelve trans _ LATE, 2be _ real, alasta, eugenep
Halt and Catch Fire S02E07 "Working for the Clampdown"
Перевод — Переводчики : trans _ LATE, cloudmachine _, CherryElf, Alexdezh, twelve, eugenep
Halt and Catch Fire S02E09 "Kali"
Kshn, La _ Reine _ Margot, Sn1z, tabushechka anvas23, yljka, W3k5, Alexdezh
Fox Sincronia : subsfactory Transcrição : fininhos
Переводчики : victoria _ vn, Irony, Alexdezh, Trident
Ripadas por :
Переводчики : victoria _ vn, Alexdezh
Lossendil, Alexdezh, Don _ Leprikon Не могу поверить, что мы получаем так много подарков.
Não acredito na quantidade de prendas que recebemos.
Переводчики : aivovo, Alexdezh, ibarri, sourorange
Ripadas e sincronizadas por : PT-Subs Rips
Перевод — Alexdezh, trans _ LATE, Fleur _ de _ Lotus, cloudmachine _ subtitry.ru / subtitles /?
12 Monkeys " S01E09 - Tomorrow -
Перевод — cloudmachine _, Alexdezh, trans _ LATE, ser3141, Ola _ la _ s subtitry.ru / subtitles /?
12 MONKEYS " S01E10 - Divine Move -
Перевод — Alexdezh, cloudmachine _, trans _ LATE subtitry.ru / subtitles /?
12 MONKEYS " S01E12 - Paradox -
Переводчики : catlady, sdjobo, magnifika, Mareassa KeRoB, Alexdezh
Legendas originais em italiano por AD.ItalianSubtitles Tradução para PT-PT por mpenaf
Перевод — cloudmachine _, CherryElf, Alexdezh, 2be _ real, altruist921, trans _ LATE, twelve bit
Halt and Catch Fire S02E08 "Limbo"
Переводчики : trans _ LATE, Alexdezh, cloudmachine _
Testemunha. Testemunha.

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