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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ A ] / Arrive

Arrive Çeviri Portekizce

8 parallel translation
Сейчас он появится на помосте.
He shall arrive in this wait..
* Она любит театр * * Никогда не опаздывает *
She adores the theatre And, whoa, won't arrive late
[На французском] :
- J'arrive.
And when we arrive in London, what happens then?
E quando chegarmos a Londres, como vai ser?
Chief Inspector Zhang's flight didn't arrive until midnight.
O voo da inspectora-chefe Zhang só chegou à meia-noite.
She's not a registered guest, but get this. Not only did she arrive after our time-of-death window. She's still there.
Mas ouçam isto, ela não só chegou depois da hora da morte, como ainda está lá.
Ариба чумачо.
Arrive... chechem.
Обслуживание прямо в номер, вот так!
O serviço de quartos est arrivé.

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