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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ A ] / Assuming

Assuming Çeviri Portekizce

4 parallel translation
Конечно, если мы всё ещё в Венгрии.
Well, that's assuming Ainda estamos na Hungria.
Just the one you made in assuming that you could Pass off somebody else's material as your own.
Apenas o teu, ao supor que podia tomar a criação de alguém como tua.
Assuming you heard about last night.
Suponho que souberam sobre ontem à noite.
So as of right now, my office will be assuming the investigation in the murders of Christopher Jenkins and Robert Cordero.
Aquele é o Reitor da Hudson University. Só vou confirmar. Quero ter a certeza.

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