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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ E ] / Escaped

Escaped Çeviri Portekizce

5 parallel translation
Звезды тебе она обещала которые в книгах своих рисовала. А ты плыл в суете среди чужаков, Скрывался со страхом,
She promised you stars like you read on her pages all of the tinsel and the company of strangers the fear that you came with you thought you'd escaped it but even while breaking you could still be persuaded
No, but he's escaped, hasn't he?
- Não, mas ele escapou, não foi?
Escaped from what?
- Escapou do quê?
Maybe it was a government virus that escaped the lab.
Talvez tenha sido algum vírus governamental que fugiu do laboratório.
He escaped from prison in Mexico three months ago.
Ele fugiu de uma prisão no México há três meses.

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