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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ E ] / Even

Even Çeviri Portekizce

209 parallel translation
I promise you'll be happy And even if you're not
Prometo que será feliz E mesmo se não for?
And one even longer coming down
E uma ainda maior só para descer
Even when our hearts lie panting on the floor
Mesmo quando nossos corações se despedaçam no chão
Blossoming even as we gaze
Desabrochando enquanto as admiramos
People who pass through Anatevka don't even know they've been here.
Quem passa por Anatevka nem mesmo sabe que esteve aqui.
Let's go way on back when I didn't even know you, you couldn't have been too much more than ten
Vamos voltar atrás quando eu ainda não te conhecia, não devias ter mais de dez anos
Даже Бронсон рвется на фронт.
Even Bronson que quer liderar para a frente de batalha.
Even while we sleep, we will find you acting on your best behaviour.
"Mesmo enquanto dormimos," "podemos encontrar-te mantendo o teu melhor comportamento"
Even say, "Wunderbar"
Ou até mesmo : "Wunderbar"
Я не видела, как ты страдал.
I never even heard you cry
Even if you did, you're not bringing it here.
Mesmo se forem, tu não vais trazer-la aqui.
Теперь счет равный.
It's good to even things up.
That you even think you're qualified to decide what we can and can't do...
O senhor pensa que está qualificado para decidir o que podemos e o que não podemos fazer...
Чарли Мафия работал водителем лимузина в Нью-Йорке. Он всегда спрашивал своих пассажиров : " Вы видели выступления Бобби Дэрина?
" You may even miss me, baby
Несмотря на простуду. Even With A Cold, This Pace Should Be A Piece Of Cake.
Mesmo constipada este ritmo deveria ser canja.
Эван, я считаю, - тебе нужна помощь.
Even... Acho que precisas de ajuda.
- Его зовут Эван Бакстер, но теперь все называют его Ньюйоркский Ной, Небесный Эван, Эван Джузила, Эван Бородила.
O seu nome era Evan Baxter, mas agora é conhecido como o Noé de Nova Iorque. Heaven's Even ( o Céu de Even ) O estranho com barba.
( AIl ) Even though they're dead...
Mesmo estando mortos
Most you won't even see coming till they've smacked you in the head.
Da maioria nem nos apercebemos até nos acertarem na cabeça.
I'm not even sure what the real temperature is.
Nem faço ideia qual é a temperatura real.
Даже Колина.
Even Colin.
* Никогда *
Never even
* Я даже не знаю его фамилии *
# And I don't even know his last name #
* Я даже не знаю его фамилии *
# I don't even know # # My last name #
* Я даже не знаю его фамилии *
# Don't even know my last name #
"Я бы на неё не кончил".
"I Wouldn't Even Jizz In Her Face".
Я даже не знаю, почему это важно.
I don't even know why it matters any more.
* И не спрашивай *
So don't even bother asking
I helped The Blur, I even found my inner Iron Chef, and all I asked - - the only thing you had to do was deal with my dad for one day. Лоис...
Lidei com a minha família, ajudei o Borrão e até encontrei a minha cozinheira interior, e tudo o que pedi, a única coisa que tinhas de fazer, era lidar com o meu pai durante um dia.
I even got to be a hero a couple times.
Até cheguei a ser um herói umas quantas vezes.
You don't even have to ask me, to say it.
- Nem era preciso pedir.
Wouldn't even get a cup of coffee with me!
Nem quis tomar um café comigo!
The rude asshole never even took off his Bluetooth.
O imbecil nem desligou o bluetooth.
Even the Jews think that man is cheap.
Até os judeus o acham mão de vaca.
I mean, even as a baby, he looked gay.
Digo, até quando era bebê, ele parecia gay.
He was never even interested in Chase's pick. He was only obsessed with how she reflected on Chase. Dr.
Nem quis saber da escolha do Chase, só como isso refletia o gosto dele.
"Спокойное течение", "Красное, красное вино"
"Even Flow", "Red Red Wine".
Maybe, but now that we know that you lied, it makes you look even worse.
Se calhar, mas agora sabemos que mentiu, e isso faz de si parecer ainda pior.
Yeah, but we don't even know if there was an e-mail.
Sim, mas nem sequer sabemos se havia um e-mail.
You didn't even know the victim.
Nem conhecias a vítima.
Does that even qualify as cheating?
Isso conta como traição?
Yeah, but even if Sarah decided That she was gonna get back together with Vince, It doesn't mean that she didn't have doubts.
Mas mesmo que a Sarah tivesse decidido voltar para o Vince, não significa que não tivesse dúvidas.
* Всегда свети как луна, луна, луна *
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
* Всегда свети как луна, луна, луна *
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon.
Верно Но в отличие от них я знаю Я найду место получше
But even then I knew I'd find a much better place
but you've gotta make your own kind of music sing an old-fashioned song make your own kind of music even if nobody else sings along but you've gotta make your own kind of music sing your... Я бы этого не делал.
Eu não faria isso.
Not even if your livelihood was at stake?
- Eu jamais levantaria a minha mão contra o meu filho!
* Хоть сейчас и ночь *
Even though the night is filled with voices,
We wouldn't even be on Flag's trail.
Nem estaríamos atrás do Flag.
I don't even know what that means.
Nem sei o que isso significa.
I... you know I only have eyes for you. I don't even... ммм.

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