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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ E ] / Everything

Everything Çeviri Portekizce

161 parallel translation
"Ты всё для меня."
"You're My Everything". ( Tu és tudo para mim )
Everything is all a blur
Está tudo muito confuso
# Tell me your troubles and doubts # # Givin'me very thing # # Inside and out and #
Tell me your troubles and doubts givin'me everything inside and out and
# Tell me your troubles and doubts # # Giving me everything inside and out and #
Tell me your troubles and doubts giving me everything inside and out and
И мне нравятся всякие глупые вещи вроде когда приходит свежий журнал "Люди" и новый каталог "Держи всё".
E fico entusiasmada com coisas estúpidas e o novo catálogo da "Hold Everything".
- He gets everything.
- Ele consegue tudo.
With everything you've told me about your father, it should be a walk in the park.
Com o que me contaste sobre o teu pai, isso é canja para ele.
She knows everything. She made a docent cry.
Até fez uma professora chorar.
Hey, how'd you get to know so much about everything?
Como é que sabes tanto sobre tanta coisa?
Everything a man needs to get by.
Tudo o que um homem precisa de saber.
The tough part, though, is reconciling this huge thing we want : to be surgeons... with everything else we want.
A parte difícil é conciliar as coisas que queremos, ser cirurgiões e tudo o resto que queremos.
Сериал переведен novafilm.tv, создание субтитров мясо спасибо нове ( hatifnatten ) за предоставленный материал.
reSync 720p CTU StrayTiger UNITED4EVER Quality is Everything!
А всё остальное :
And everything else :
Everything's all right.
Está tudo bem.
I thought, Wherever it leads you, move on from where you've been, from what you've been. Cut off from everything you know.
"O que quer que seja que te impele, foje de onde estiveste e do que foste." Corta com... tudo o que conheces. "
I don't know. Always open the cap like that and everything goes all over the place?
Quando abres um frasco assim, espalha-se tudo.
Been doing everything for myself most of my life.
- Tive que fazer tudo sozinho a maior parte da minha vida.
Everything's Gonna Be ладно.
Vai tudo correr bem.
- Everything's Gonna Be порядке.
- Tudo vai estar bem.
If everything our Hindu brethren say is true
Who control everything we do
Radio Shack Clube da Pilha
# If this is love, it's everything I hoped # # Если это любовь, я и мечтала о такой #
* * Se isto é amor É o que pensava que fosse * *
Everything's fine.
Está tudo óptimo.
Просто расслабь свои палочки и пригрей свои колбочки, а мы уж обо всем позаботимся.
You just rest those rods and coddle those cones. Everything's taken care of.
Релиз группы OTHfilm.ru Перевод : narod28, switch-twitch Редакция : LeelaManson, Arletta
UNITED4EVER Quality is Everything!
Мам? Мам! Мам.
UNITED4EVER Quality is Everything!
Я держу тебя, все хорошо.
I got you, everything is fine.
Песни вроде "Temptation" и "Everything Gone Green". Мы пытались сплагиатить Hawkwind.
l "Temptation" e "Everything Gone Green" eramos nós a imitar os Hawkwind.
¶ I'm gonna rock that stage And give my everything ¶
Vou animar aquele palco E dar tudo o que tenho
Gonna let you See everything
Deixar-te-ei ver tudo
¶ Gonna let you see everything ¶
Deixar-te-ei ver tudo
¶ Gonna let you see Everything ¶
Deixar-te-ei ver tudo
¶ Not gonna leave with just this We takin'everything ¶
Não me vou embora com isto Vamos levar tudo
* Все вышло из под контроля *
Everything's out of control
* Все будет хорошо *
Everything'll work out right
* Ты нужен мне целиком и полностью, Пока это бесплатно *
I want your everything as long as it's free
"Событие" Сезон 1 Эпизод 1.
The Event S01E01 "I Haven't Told You Everything" Sincronização : Italian Subs Addicted
* Бежа прочь, пробую всё новое *
Running around, trying everything new
I did everything I could to make today work. I dealt with my family,
Fiz tudo o que pude para que resultasse.
Maybe I should just make everything up.
Talvez eu devesse inventar tudo.
We've done everything wrong!
Fizemos tudo mal!
Everything changed after Sarah got the big promotion.
Tudo mudou depois da grande promoção da Sarah.
♪ SiIence teIIs me secretIy ♪ Everything
Diz-me tudo
Forget everything...
Posso entrar?
Сезон 3, серия 19 "Все должно уйти" Перевод : mokena ocrus.surreal.ru
How I Met Your Mother S03E19 "Everything Must Go"
Is everything okay?
Está tudo bem?
Перевод :
UNITED4EVER Quality is Everything!
♪ посреди Табачного пути. ♪ ♪ вырос я в ржавой хибаре ♪
... UNITED Quality Is Everything!
* Заполнена она голосами * я помню все чему ты меня учил * каждую книгу которую читал *
I remember everything you taught me, every book I've ever read...
... UNITED Quality Is Everything!

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